Hi my name is Steven. I have been with the Manhattan Volunteer Fire Dept. in Montana for about 5 years now. I have always had an interest in becoming an EMT for my department, yet I have been in a constant battle with my rural board to do so. I is all about the $$$$$. The problem is that I live out of the district and they don't want to waste the funds on someone who may not make it in time. My argument to them is, that I am only 7 min away, I have on more than one occasion been the DO on the first truck out, as well as the first on scene setting up IC on quite a few MVA's because the road I travel to get to the Fire Hall sees a lot of accidents. So I am looking for any input anyone may have. As well as getting to know some of you.....

Thanks Steven

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Does your department currently have a reinbusrtment program for any outside training or education? How is your department budget right now? If it was me, I would go ahead and get my EMT . If money is a issue see if your department will reinburse you for a passing grade or atleast foot some of the bill once you pass if they dont want to front the money. are they gun shy that you will leave once you pass and go elsewhere? That is a problem we have in florida . some department down here make members sign a contract if they pay for any schooling or training that they stay for a time period or they have to pay the cost of school/training back . You are only making yourself a better Firefighter if you do it . and a better assest to the community you serve.
I agree with Tim. the more you know about your job the better you will be. Do not give up brother.
Soooo, you are already a FF and have been for 5 years, living out of district I assume and still able to make calls. Now you want to be an EMT and now there is a problem because you live out of district? Man I hate politics.

So are you looking for the dept to send you to an EMT course which is the money issue, or is there more going on? For the most part, many EMT courses are a semester course for Basic and shouldn't be too costly if you wanted to do it on your own. Problem with that is if the dept would still allow you to be an EMT. So my suggestionsdepend upon what is going on. I agree with Tim here with the contract thing if you are looking to move to bigger and better type of stuff, otherwise I think you could be able to compromise. Perhaps paying a portion of the training yourself, otherwise if possible, are you able to do shifts at the station? When I was a volly we did run EMS and would have some EMT's who worked a night here and there for a few hours even though they didn't live in the district this worked. The other thing is if you could possibly respond directly like a First Responder and let the EMT's know you are responding and can meet them in.
John, you are correct I have been a FF for 5 years, and I do live out of the district, and make quite a few calls ( more than most ). I have always wanted to become an EMT I feel it would make me better at my job. Most of the problem lies with boundaries I do live in another Fire Departments district, and yes I have looked at moving to them, my problem is they run about 1500 to 2000 calls a year, and we run one average about 380. With my current job as a cabinet maker 380 is better it allows me to work and take care of my family as well as make the call.

I have thought about just taking a class through MSU, but again I run into the problem of work. The class the Dept offers really works around a working mans schedule. They usually do one every two years or so to make sure they have enough people to justify it. The problem doesn't really lie with the Dept anyway. It lies with our Rural Board. They have final say so on most everything. They just don't think I can make the call, even though the truth is in plain sight. As I said before I have been the first to the station siting in the drivers seat waiting for others to show up, and when they do show up I get a bunch of probies that are not medically trained anyway, so I have to ask dispatch for another page for medical man power. As for responding POV I already do that a lot. More than not its because its on my way to the station, I have even arrived and started CPR long before the first truck arrives, and still drove the ambulance to the hospital because no one else would. I have also been in the back of the bus assisting the EMT's on the way to the hospital. I think I have very good arguments for them. Making them listen has been my fight for about 4 years. These people also trust me to be the Vice President of our association signing checks and approving funds for various other things. I don't really think $$$ is the issue, they have already paid for a multitude of classes for me but they are all fire related, including FF1, anything wildland, LPG you name it it just seems to be the medical and my response time, and I think the facts speak for themselves. As for me leaving they know there is very little chance of that as I am to old to apply to the larger paid depts. The age cut off is 34. The shift idea is a great idea, but I am already doing that. Although our dept doesn't do any shifts. I am helping our current Equipment and Training Officers with their duties as there new jobs take them away a lot. The rest of the time I spend out there is because I just enjoy it, or I know there is going to be quite a few people out of town. As for the contract, been there tried that to no avail. My frustration is coming from watching others going through the classes including the 5 guy I started with. I don' think It has got any thing to do with me personally or that I lack the abilities to do it, I have even heard some of my fellow FF's tell probies that if they have any questions to ask me, I may not have the certs, but I know what I am talking about. Anyway Guys, thanks for helping me to fight the good fight.
Wow, I didn't realise I wrote a novel .......... Sorry!!!!
It seems like all you can do is keep fighting the fight. Maybe get the next level down and possiblly do that course on weekends? I wish you luck. If anything you would still be covered under the good simaritan act if you went to a call and helped, wouldn't you? I'm not familiar with your laws and regulations down there.
Keep safe and have fun.
If anything you would still be covered under the good simaritan act if you went to a call and helped, wouldn't you?

Good Samaratin basically covers in an off duty type of role and one is limited in what they can do. Going on a call to help, you are really acting in the capacity of the dept and not covered by Good Samaratin in the event of a negligence claim.

Perhaps if you had some members of the dept vouch for you as well, that could also improve your chances with the board and especially if you do have documentation of making it to calls etc. Good luck though.
Steve , I agree with john , get some of your guys to vouch for you by writing letters especially any officers .Document the calls you show up for and what you did in a log or something .Get all of the cost ,course length and if anyone else in your deptartment has been . Go in with all ammo you can get . If it dosnt work , keep trying . Have you looked at any online courses? I think in the situtiton you are in if you are willing to go to school you can only be another assest for your department . The only reson I can think of is maybe the department is afraid of setting a future presidence . Dont know. Good luck and be safe
Tim I think you hit the nail on the head, you see I was kind of an experiment to see if someone from outside the district could work. I don't think they expected me to work out that well. SURPRISE SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the friend request..........

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