I am a veteran of the US Navy. I have two kids currently serving, with another enlisting soon. I am proud of my kids, my country and those who defend our freedoms.
Our flag, and all it represents is near and dear to my heart.
The issue:
Our fire department class A uniforms have the flag on the shoulder with the bars leading. Although not in violation of US Code (which does not SPECIFICALLY call out firefighters, police, etc) I cannot, in good concious, wear the flag in this fashion. On my uniform, the union leads (stars facing forward).
I have gotten grief from our township chief.
So, how does your department wear the flag (if it is part of your uniform)?
What are your thoughts on the subject?

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Hey QW,

I did a little research on this a few years back when I worked with my sons in the Boy Scouts. The basic guideline is that if the uniform is an "adopted" part of any civic, public or private organization, you can add the flag in to your design. And it should be "displayed in accordance with proper flag etiquette.".

The only other thing I found that was puzzling was that one source stated that the flag "must be displayed on the front quadrant of the uniform, above the waist.".

So wear your flag with pride!! And document the addendum in your SOPs.

Shouldn't matter. The proper way to display the flag is independant of the orginization.
Not to change the focus, but can anyone tell me what is supposed to be contained in the ball atop your flagpole?
Before our last funeral we attended my chief has this nice class A uniform he payed a lot of money for and the flag is backwards on it. I told him that was a nice uniform but the flag is backwards. I told him the union is always forward as leading into battle. He said he didnt know that the uniform company put it on that way. You would think they would know better if they are in the uniform business. Being a vet also properly displaying the flag is kind of a pet peeve of mine.
A razor blade, match and a bullet!
over the heart
See? You learn something new everyday. I did not know there was proper and improper regarding US flag patches. Thank you.
Ours is kinda simple. Maple leaf upright.
the basis of the bars leading is its worn on right arm facing out if you will and your maltese cross with dept on left "closer to the heart" I agree it looks backwards but to get that over turned your gonna have to go out get 3 prices for removal an resew and then bring it to company to get that order moved and carried..I would slowly talk to the ones you think will listen and get them to sway your way before hitting the company broadside bro
U.S. Code, Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 8(j)
The National Flag Foundation: "...we recommend that the flag patch on the left sleeve of a uniform should have the union to the viewer's left while a patch on the right sleeve should be displayed with the union to the viewer's right so that, in both cases, the flag is facing forward and is streaming to the back as the person moves forward."

More information
So I did not paint the flag right on my t-shirt?

I have a pet peeve of looking out for flags that need to be retired, the proper placement of flags at an event, and proper displaying of the flag.

One thing I did not know was that there was a proper way to have the flag facing on a uniform or otherwise.
Stars forward on the arms, as if the flag were advancing. On the chest, Stars toward the heart.
I wish my department did have flags on our uniform

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