The City of South Bend Indiana is HIRING!! When departments all across the country have been laying off, we are hiring! The process is to be announced on Monday Nov. 9th, with applications being available through Dec. 14th. Target academy start date is May 2010.

The City Staffs 16 fire companies (11 engines, 4 trucks, 1 rescue), 7 Medic units (4 city, 3 county) a safety officer, an EMS supervisor, and 2 battalion chiefs with 250 sworn personal.

South Bend is a medium size city (107,000) located in Northern Indiana about 70 miles East of Chicago Il. We are a city that still sees a good amount of fire (approx. 650 fires last year), as well as traumas and medicals.

In addition to the fire/ems we also staff 3 regional special operations teams (Haz-Mat, Swift Water/Dive, and Technical Rescue).

South Bend is most known for the university of Notre Dame (go IRISH) and the home of Studebaker Auto.

Visit after Monday for details about our hiring process. If you have questions please feel free to contact me at

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lmao Typing Fail

Thats not bad at all thanks bro!
What is the reason for hiring, to fill in the ranks or are you adding stations or equipment? What is the labor/mgmt relationship like? What about the local political eliment, pro FD?
we are 9 short currently, according to our contract they must hire when we are 6 short.

labor/ is what it is. We, like all FD's have our own quirks and issues. But if you steer clear of the BS, and love coming to work, and doing your job...then its a nonissue.
scratch that last part... its what i get for typing on my phone. The battle for busiest engine will be between Engine 1 and engine 2.
I would love to do it but I can't get my wife to move away from this area. Guess I have to wait for Muncie (yeah right) or Anderson to hire.
What is the maximum age for hiring?? as i am 37 ... 38 in December.
according to indiana law, to be included in PERF (our retirement) you must not have reached your 36th birthday by your swearing in date.
ah ha ... the same is true here in Illinois ... thank you.

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