you can post some of your favorite fire fighter or fire related quotes here, mine is

"I am just another fireman because the story focuses on Joaquin Phoenix's character, but I play Joaquin's close friend and I get burned up a little bit, but I don't die.
Morris Chestnut"

if you could supply the author it would be greatly apreciated

EDIT:-10.17.08- non fire fighter quotes are also excepted,
EDIT:11/26/08 dont forget to add me

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If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. - My old bossman

"Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue" -Airplane

"Our tankers have wings not wheels. You call for a tanker up here you're going to get rained on." -USFS FF to myself
"Callaway, 1603 on scene. We have a two story, single family house, partly/fully involved. 1629 with command"
A comment I saw on one of these social sites (can't remember which one) and it was about doing your share -
"Are you standing up for the Brotherhood, or is the Brotherhood standing up for you?"
Mighty good words to reflect upon if you ask me...
i like this quote, my first week at the fd i broke a chair, my instructor looked at me and said "your gonna get along here great," haha, love it
i cant stand that argument, between tankers and "tenders" its so annoying
"sweet, it looks like i get to break shit today" = fellow ff on the crew
In regards to training and paying attention

"Fire doesn't care if your volunteer or paid, it'll kill you just the same."
'Train harder, succeed higher'

My favourite personal quote
"Don't get excited when you go on a call. Excited people don't think, thinking people don't get excited. You think the garbage man turns the corrner and gets excited to see the trash?"

or something like that
"Most of us do it because we felt we were called for some reason."

"There really is only one true reason people call 911: it's because they believe they are in over their heads with no way out, in a situation they cannot escape without your knowledge, skill, and equipment."

"I know it sounds crazy, but you best believe; those sirens? Yea, they call to me."

"This is not your fault. You didn't cause the crash. You didn't cause his injuries. You came here to help, and you can't win them all. Be happy about the ones you CAN save, but don't get hung up on the ones you can't."

"It's not about the money we make, it's about the passions that we ache for."
More EMS:

TMJ - too much Jesus
TMFB - too many birthdays

and my all time favourite: "There's that smell again"

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