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Janesville, but id like to try fire dex or globe to see which is better
and my favorite fire helmet color is black!!!! lol But only if you wear those darn yellow suspenders!
The dept.i'm on now has Janesville which is pretty good with no complaints.When I was on a dept back in Illinois we had Globe and I was really happy with that brand!But i'm sure there's pro's and con's with all gear.
hey! who you talkin' bout?
I think someone's on the wrong page all together???HELMET COLOR ??????Thought is was about bunker gear??

I have both a GX set and FireDex set identical in material composition and I prefer the latter of the 2. G-Xtreme is far too heavy and soaks water like a sponge.
Brands and models are different. Each manufacturer has low budget models, and their top-level lines. Some of the low-budget stuff has given some manufacturers a bad rap. It's basically all about the fit, how it's measured, and features offered for the price. Fabric is fabric. Some manufacturers have spent millions on advertising. I have had all kinds of measurements taken by manufactuer - thorough, and it fit ok. All kinds of flex facilitators, compression padding...blah, blah, blah.

So far the best I have found, comfort and fit-wise is Janesville V-Force.
We have Globe X=Treme and I love it. It is comfortable and easy to move around in.Plenty of pocket space and it dries quickly when you have to clean it.
they all work
Janesville for our department, fits good, light weight, and water resistance.
Turnout gear is all the same really. The only difference is the NAME and Construction. Really all the material is the same. Now I do agree that fit is VERY important and so is comfort! That being said, I have tried all brands and as far as fit, construction, and comfort, QUEST so far is the best for me. Several reasons, 1: Small company that cares about the customer. 2: the construction in my mind is unmatched. The use of kevlar thread, the extra wide gussets, extra padding on shoulders and knees are just a few things I really like. 3: Delivery, you get it when they say your gonna get it! Small orders are not put off untill a cutting of simular material is ordered. 4: last but not least, PRICE! Quest doesnt have all the overhead some of the larger companies have thus passing the savings on to departments.
Thats my little soap box. I do very much believe in QUEST, and if your looking fo r GREAT gear I would give them a look.

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