It's almost like I feel like I'm ruining the party, but I'm trying to utilize this network for something other than the obvious social side to get some information on hot topics. I have been looking at your profiles (that's why you put them there, remember?) and trying to get a grasp on what we feel like are the pressing issues that need to be discussed and researched.

I can tell you right now: everyone needs more money. That one's kinda a no-brainer. But other than looking at fire trucks, what would be something that you might read because it seemed like a really compelling article? Feel free to bat it around a little.

Oh, and by the way, the truckies are meeting over at Cancel The Engine if you happen to be one of those. I find it hard to believe there's only 9 of us.

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VES = Vent Enter Search.
Check out the link
Awesome info Jack. thnx. We do go over that stuff, just never put it together as VES. Good to know.
Classic example was my last training thread was about an airbag deployment on a car without a battery in it for over 6 months. Near miss training event.

My take is because nobody really want to go to such a thread and be wrong.
I see the same stuff with Chris and his scenarios, you get the same players responding in and really at that point much of the stuff has been covered.

Whereas, helmet colors, rigs, hoods, lights and so forth are a SAFE discussion, everything varies and there really is no set standard to make anyone wrong. You see people participating in such discussions because they want to participate, but may be leary to respond to some more controversial issues, or areas where one may be leary to give an answer in case their wrong.

When it comes to training, the issue here is the training level is as vast as the membership and things can vary. One doesn't want to say some things because it can be easy to "armchair QB" by other members and rip apart their operations, yet then again they may not have the same staffing levels, same type of SOG's and so forth to really tell someone else how things have gone.

For me, I'm a FF/paramedic and am limited in my scope of knowledge. I still respond to leadership threads and such, even though I'm not in such a position, but I really have not seen much discussion here more FF specific. I see IC scenarios in "how would you manage this scene", I see leadership discussions etc, but rarley is there FF related stuff. Maybe it is because the standards are similar or some stuff should be basic FF knowledge, but there could be a hesitation to speak up in fears of getting criticized by others. I dislike responding to threads hundreds of responses long or pages on pages long, even though they may be relevant to a discussion.
John you kind of hit it on the head (at least for me). I ride backwards most of the time, but even not responding to the posts I do find them very educational, kind of a self-study guide. For me what I usually concentrate on (with Chris' posts) is what I would be seeing, doing and thinking about coming in on the engine.

However anyone thinks of it, the fairly recent discussion on safety relevant to NFPA 1403 was quite illuminating. For all of those that partook -or even just read- there was throughout a lot of great information presented. It took on a life of it's own but sometimes really good discussions do that. If only there were a way to engineer such discussions.
hi John C. I understand what you are saying. But I think that if people could get past that fear and post a comment,even though they may be wrong or,forgive me for saying this,...different, then, in my opinion, that is the reason for these posts. To get different perspectives on subjects and open them up for discussion or debate, not criticism or bashing.
Sure, like you said, with the long posts and many responses, a lot of the information HAS been covered, but still there is room for further questions, and I know that people have them but are afraid to ask because they don't want to look "dumb" in a site that involves very proud and intellegent members. They want to be equal with the top dogs. But really, Those top dogs can be wrong too.
With the training, yes..every company trains different. But is that "different" wrong? I don't think so. Itwould be nice to have responses from dept. with different training methods. Maybe some would adapt methods into their own way that you might have thought were wierd or wrong. It's all discussion. Not who's wrong or right. Even so, criticism can teach too.
I asked Jack/dt a question earlier, and honestly, I thought it was a common knowledge thing and was a bit afraid to ask, but I wanted to know. I'll bet that there are more people who don't know what VES was, but were afraid to ask.
Ok, I gotta stop because I'm getting off topic and losing what I was trying to get at.
You know...I believe I'm a decent FF,but I still have questions and can't be afraid to ask.
I'll figure out what I was trying to say and try this again later.
As a seasoned firefighter, I would rather have a firefighter attempt to solve a problem or try to solve an issue using their knowledge than to ignore the problem. If they answer a question wrong, they get corrected. No hard feelings. The 10 minutes in the street series is a brilliant example of this. There are multiple takes on the fire scenes we all get to observe and the scene really gets dissected by many seasoned firefighters and rookies alike. Towards the 3rd day of those posts, there is a great accumulation of information that can be molded together to be a great learning experience.
Yes...exactly what I mean.
We,as a whole, need to keep the seasoned FF, like Engineco913, here to pass on what they have learned to the not-so-seasoned. My opinion. Like to hear others.

I could tell you my ideas, but then you'd have to write my articles, too...

How about chainsaw tactics - a three-part for 1) roof ventilation, 2) tree clearing after storms, and 3) Type III, IV, and V structural collapses. Capt. Lainhart would be an excellent resource for the technical stuff.
This is pretty funny. I returned to FFN to see if there was any mention of the new FireEMSBlogs website and I saw my helmet avatar on the first forum link- and I thought, what jerk is stealing my avatar? Talk about resurrecting a thread...

I agree with what all of you are pointing out- I admit I did drift away, partially because of the wackers and the POV lighting/helmet color/what music do you rock out to while responding discussions, but also because I have had a lot of things on my plate lately. Nothing against youse guys, but I had some business to take care of.

I'd like to see Cancel The Engine used for more truckie type discussion, but I'd also like to see the whole site used by the members more creatively. There's only so much nonsense one can take before they tune it out. It's one of the reasons I got involved in running Firehouse Zen as a seperate endeavor, because I want to discuss deeper issues of leadership and change and frankly, we can't get past "Do you like two or three strobe packages on your Pinto better?"

Seasoned? To take a line from the ex-Governor of AK, "You betcha". Let's ignore the People Magazine crowd and use the time we have on here to learn and share.
Wow. When this got posted, there were only NINE of us in Cancel The Engine. Wow.
excellent idea!!! Another "seemingly easy" task where complacency and inexperience leads to injuries. Great idea Ben
Ahhh jack grasshopper of the wise. Hey in true spirit of all of you who have started multiple profiles...and not sure if that was to fend off the IRS agents or propane burning fire starters.... I found your 1403 guy. Thought Ben, Kali and Philly might want to see this

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