Alpha Side, Block
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something is a Skewed. No, I don’t think there’s a ceremony going on, But; I do know that there is a lot of truth in that opening statement.
Take a good look at the building and occupancy depicted in the photo.
You’re looking at the alpha side from the street. The building is located within a block area of commercial, retail and businesses within a very well established city neighborhood.
Here’s our In the Street Questions for the weekend;
• Looking at the building, what is the Building Type?
• Are there more than one Type?
• What type of construction features are you assuming to be present?
• What else might there be for the roof and floor systems?
• Anything else that your assumption might indicate? Any gut feelings about this?
• What if you’re wrong on your structural system assumptions, how would that affect your IAP?
• What’s obvious when looking at the structure? What isn't?
• There are some very telling features that should begin to prompt you in your processing of Building Risk Profiling and Assessment. Whatdo you think they are and why?
• Look at the Building Profile along the Alpha Side at the Roof and Parapet line, what are your thoughts on that?
Here’s the remainder of the Risk Profiling list for your consideration;
• What is the presumed age/vintage of the building(s)
• What’s happened to the building fronts?
• Where are the access and egress points?
• What type of material covering is present on the Building? What does that mean?
• How will that affect my IAP and tactics? Will any of this affect firefighter safety?
• What’s the Safety Profile for operating companies?
• What’s the Risk Profile for an incident response reporting a fire in the building?
• What issues are evident related to Engine Company Operations?
• What issues are evident related to Truck/Ladder Company Operations?
• What issues are evident related to Rescue/Squad Company Operations?
• What is/are the occupanc(ies)?
• What do you expect for occupancy load ding the daytime, how about night time?
• What is the expected Fire Load?
• What is the expected fire behavior?
• What are your expected options for ventilation?
• What type of Roofing system(s) might you expect? How about rooftop components and features?
• What is the Structural Stability Profile?
• What is the Structural Collapse potential and precautions?
• What doesn’t look right about this building and structure?
• What’s out of content or out of place?
What would you like to have the clear facts on; that key piece of information that will have the greatest influence or impact on your strategic or tactical operations
You don’t need to address everything listed here. Select the areas you feel you have a perspective on, assumptions or insights. Just give some thoughts to all of these questions that you should be thinking about as you look this over from the street.
Think in terms of strategic, tactical and safety perspectives. There is a lot to talk about and assumptions that can be made. Yes there’s something old and something new, but much more that is very much a skewed. I’ll post more images as the street talk begins.
So get your cup of coffee, mountain dew or power drink (nothing more, you’re on duty here now). It’s your turn to take ten minutes in the street.
(PS...Please NO CSI-ICS...at least not too soon...it spoils the scenario)