Most recent development:

So, how do you like an organizing organization like ACORN getting FIRE Act money?
In this case, it is in the Fire Prevention and Safety category, but the New Orleans branch managed to apply for and was successful in their application to the tune of $997,402.00.
Do you really think that an organization that has been charged with voter registration fraud and other, recent criminal acts should receive hard-to-get FIRE Act money?
Did I mention that ACORN owns FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS worth of property in New York City?
Not bad for a “not-for-profit” organization.
Wake up little sleepy heads.

The ACORN Institute New Orleans LA Fire Prevention $997,402.00 09/04/09 (Taken from the FEMA website.)

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Obviously, I don't believe that firefighters are the only ones "qualified" to distribute smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. I believe that we should definitely be in the mix when deciding which types are best suited for detection.
Partnering with various community groups for such activities is vital to our public's safety and extends the reach of those organizations involved.
But, honestly; how many of us would want to partner with ACORN knowing what we know? Check that; knowing what they have been "accused" of?
Not me.
Not even on a bet.
Yesterday, Sept. 28th, Bank of America suspended its relationship with ACORN.
Now, we need to look at SEIU as well.
They should be disbanded and prosecuted. No they should not get any money that should be going to fire depts..
Does this forum really need to get involved with partisan politics?
My answer is NO we do not!!!
Partisan Politics will come back to haunt us as a public service. We must have political support across party lines if our services are to survive.
The fire and emergency services in this nation are facing the most serious funding and operational issues of several generations. Because we are Public Servants in a Public Service agency funded by tax payers who have become more and more upset by the lack of efficiency and effectiveness in their governments, our emergency services are facing loss of revenue, loss of staffing and rapidly facing the inability to deliver the services that are required by our communities in a way that provides safety in operations for the public and those who serve.
Lets get away from Partisan Politics and get deeply involved in grass roots politics. We must assure that the public and the people that they and we elect to represent us understand about the services we deliver.
Lets work to assure that we provide efficient and cost effective service to the public and that we strive to assure safety for the public and for our forces.

I will shortly post what I hope will be a series of sharing discussions on how we can survive in today’s political world so all agencies can share what they have done to survive. I hope you will each participate.
Please point out to me where this is "partisan politics".
I posted it because, like you said, we are fighting for every last dollar that we can get.
Giving money to ACORN from FIRE Act money isn't partisan; it's foolish.
Like it or not; WE-that is, every fire department in this country-are exposed to a very powerful and corrupt political system.
And I have been at the grass roots center of politics since I was 17 years old.
So, though I wish that we did not have to play the political games, the reality is that it has become entrenched even in the public safety services.
I look forward to your discussions.
My reference to "partisan politics" is that the attacks on ACORN and the support for ACORN have nothing to do with the reality of WHO GETS the money.
Love them or hate them, in today’s society every political action group has its supporters and its detractors and nothing said in any discussion will change the minds of folks on either side of the support. Any attempt to point out issues of concern about any political group’s actions only heightens partisanship from both sides while the cause of the problem continues and we in emergency services lose.

We in the emergency services need to address is WHO GIVES the money to any organization
We need to address how we can assure that the needs of our services are being addressed.
We must address is the need for people in public service to take their time and energy to assure that the people who we elect truly represent the people that they serve and that every elected official knows about the dedication to service to the total public that we provide.
Public service is not about wishing that we did not have to play political games. It is about understanding that everything we do is affected by politics.
If we fail to "play the game” of politics properly, we and the people we serve will be the only losers
Well put.
I cannot disagree with anything you said.
Educating our people and our communities is the key.
Unfortunately, I can't think of a single aspect in our lives that ISN'T affected by politics, in one form or another.
And it's not about speaking up; many of us do that.
It's about who is listening and reacting to it. Those are the ones we have to press.
I find it deplorable that in some communities, they are closing stations and laying off firefighters, but manage to find the money to keep "laborers" on the dole and museums or libraries open business as usual.
I think RICO and ACORN go together well.

Why not give the money to the states, and let the states split the money up to their fire departments?
Why not give the money to the states, and let the states split the money up to their fire departments?

Reality, the states are no better in equal distribution than the fed govt. There is as much lobbying and politics at the state level as there is anywhere and chances most likely are the money will be spent for the state coffers than to be distributed to fire departments.
Good call, John.
Here in Illinois, we lost the Cornerstone program, because money earmarked for FREE training programs got swept by our powers that be.
I am starting to see that the only difference between Quinn and Blago is that Blago has better hair!
Funding needs to go straight to the fire departments.
You know, we are constantly reminded that these grants are judged and administered by the Fire Service. We do the Peer Review, we do the Technical review. So why would firefighters give ACORN a grant? Is this what happens when you get too close to the pig trough in Washington? Is this a payback for keeping a program alive? Is this a payback or a down payment on getting some other agenda through? I've long felt these were local issues. The grants are nice if you get one but the Feds should not be involved in funding the local fire service. 997,000 dollars in chump change when you look at the hole this administration is blindly spending us into.
In my opion only the emergency services should be eligible for these grants. We are the ones that need the help the mostand having thses people come in and take grant money that could have been used by a department that really needs the help.

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