T-shirt Trading from Sydney, Australia, (New South Wales Fire Brigade)

i anyone is interested in swaping shirts or patches im looking for places all over the world ( if possable) let me know if anyone wants to..

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thanks for the patch im still waiting to get some.(because our fire brigade is a government body the distribution is regulated so it can take awhile but rest assured they will be coming, same goes for shirts)
Hi my address is 6 Tarana crescent Oberon nsw Australia 2787, just send there and give me your address and ill send it off when i get some, let me know if you want to do shirt or patch?
Cheers Dave
Hi sorry i been so long to reply, yeah id love a patch from there my address is
6 Tarana Cresant
Oberon nsw

ill get some out as soon as i can.
Cheers Dave
hi lindai am from coldspring fd would like to trade pacthes with you wrudolph53@yahoo.com
hi david is their a zip code i need with the adderss to send a patch
hi yeah sorry i forgot to put it in,
6 Tarana Crescent
Oberon, NSW
Australia, 2787
i have some patches from my state/my company/and tee if you want
let me know what you want or all three
email me at dittfurthl@yahoo.com
Hi , yeah what ever im easy, im still waiting for my patches and shirts but i still will be sending out as soon as possible..
ok your patches will be in the mail for ya

hey there i have a shirt i would be willing to trade for a shirt. let me know if you interested. the shirt would be coming from a vol. dpt in southeastern ohio
Hi there. I have some polo or t shirts to swap. They are 'Norfolk fire and rescue' from England. They are plain navy with the norfolk crest ( at the moment , new uniform next year ),simple but pretty cool. Send me your address and size and I will do my best. All the best. Wayne.

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