I was wondering last night now other Fire Departments are dispatched. Here's an example of us for Fire and EMS.

Fire/or other related call.
KDP-395 to all (Department) home receivers.
Report of a (nature of call) at address or location.
Cross roads between so on and so forth.
Repeats with KPP-395 clear at time given.
Requesting acknowledgement.

KDP-395 to all Department Home Receivers.
ALS or BLS/EMS Request at so and so residence.
Cross roads are between this and that.
For a something or other age male/female with complaint.
Repeats with KDP-395 clear at time given.
Requesting acknowledgement.

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Dist.12 Couchton Fire dept. respond to xxxx farmer rd.
for a structure fire. All residents are out of the structure
at this time!

Dist.12 first responders, Respond to xxxxx wagener rd.
for a accident with injuries, roll over.possible entrapment.
Medic 4 from station 4.
Wow. Thanks to those who have responded.
SEE!!!! Plain Text WORKS!!!!
Heck Joe, I had to listen to the .wav just to hear how they pronounce the name of the woods!
well lets see....

tones go off twice
Station 3 and Hebron Fire, respond to 109 N. Washington St, 109 N. Washington St, have a report of a structure fire, heavy smoke and flames showing, no reported trapped occupants

Station 3 and Hebron Fire, respond to 109 N. Washington St, 109 N. Washington St, have a report of a structure fire, heavy smoke and flames showing, no reported trapped occupants, county's clear at 2030
after dispatch lets the public safety officers know what the call is the shift commander determines whether or not to tone it out. If he knows its something the 3 police officers cant handle he tells central how to tone it out code 1 non emergency or code 3 emergency.Montcalm central Dispatch to Greenville fire, Greenvile fire need you to respond code 3 to a structure fire at 111 N main, 111 N main, central clear . Gets paged twice and if were lucky and the first guy to the station is thinking hell ask for cross roads and directions if we need them other wise we better hope we can figure it out..
this is a typical structure dispatch for my dept (there are 5 depts in the town of dryden)
Stephen, is that the one where we next hear: "VICFIRE smoke showing, all appliances Code 1” then a first wordback of "structure fire not yet under control"? We're a little too far away from you to be called for a structure fire but I had my scanner going ;-)

Some detail of the pager message for people like me who are interested in how things are done in other places. "STRUC!" tells us it's a structure fire and the first two appliances out are to respond Code 1 (lights and sirens as Stephen said); M 122 J12 is the street directory reference; (603072) is the map grid reference in UTM; "KALL MONB" says which two Brigades have been responded, we all know the abbreviations for our nearby Brigades and all structure fires have at least two Stations responding.

Thanks Stephen, we haven’t had a call since last Saturday and I delete my messages after a job so had nothing to copy!
I can agree to a point with you. It does seem such more "trivial" threads get the majority of responses, but is it a low? I personally could care less about how other people are dispatched, hence the reason for my reply, but then again it is also a "safe" discussion.

I have read some of the threads regarding tactics and so forth and definately learned quite a bit, especially from some guys like Ben Waller etc. However, such threads are easy to keep away from because it can take some time to respond to one and there may also be the aspect of being "torn into" by some of those who have been around awhile. Hard to say for sure. You get some topics where the discussion can get to a debate and again, some don't want to get into such a thing.

I've been around a number of forums, from the other FF based ones to military.com and have seen such things come and go. Threads like these are safe and easy for people to participate in discussions without things turning heated. As for the topic of this thread, again maybe the guy is just wondering, maybe he's a farkle oh well, personally I like the discussions with some more substance to them.
I have read some of the threads regarding tactics and so forth and definately learned quite a bit, especially from some guys like Ben Waller etc. However, such threads are easy to keep away from because it can take some time to respond to one and there may also be the aspect of being "torn into" by some of those who have been around awhile. Hard to say for sure. You get some topics where the discussion can get to a debate and again, some don't want to get into such a thing.

You bring up an interesting point. Sometimes its hard to discuss tactics and strategy with a chief officer(Chief Waller) when their responses are so thorough. They almost always hit the answer on the first try. What's to discuss? As on a fire scene,I may add my $0.02 worth on something I observe. But I usually don't have to.

But everyone has an opinion/comment on these type of threads. There's no right or wrong here. No one is going to die because the yellow truck showed up before the red one.
tones. attn golden gardens fire department personel respond 1stalarm of smoke showing xxx jackson street crossstreet parkview. units 2912 2913 3810 3811 1711 1517 5217 2829 1511respond, . time,callsign clear this message will be sent out twice one right after the other. one minute passes and "CENCOM" (county wide fire dispatch) will request a responce if no response tones will activate again

1 2 3 4 are pumpers 7 is tanker 9 is ladder 0 is squad
we go :
4 second tone
zone 37 A alpha residential structure fire
(tones go off at the stations)
zone 37 alpha : engine 37 engine 14 quint 37 rescue 37 rescue 237 battalion 37 battalion 32 respond to a residential structure at 5110 oakland park blvd caller advises smoke coming from the back of the residence , 2 vehicles on the driveway , multiple calls at this time 20:13

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