U guys have probably done this B4, but what r ur favorite station pranks?
I was all over the place: short-sheetin beds, shaving cream in the boots, billiard balls in helmets, saran wrap the toilets, but my favorite (it never failed to scare the hell out of 'em @ 2 AM) was with battery switches off, turn EVERYTHING on on EVERY unit. Yeah, I'm a sick, sadistic little SOB!

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Get a airhorn can that people carry on their boats. You can get them at Wal-Mart. Sitck it under someones bunk, and when they lay down their weight should activate the airhorn (if the bed's low enough to the floor). It will definitely scare the crap out of someone.
i love this one! harmless joke that usually gets every rookie!...my fireI class was warned about it so i knew better when i was asked to go find it!
a little dark...but very clever....youre sick dude....good work!
Wow - that's F*d up....I like it!!!
Besides volunteering, I also drive an ambulance for a living. I was at work at the end of a long day, and sat in our recliner next to the truck bay. Before I knew it, I was asleep. Hard. The crew noticed, and nosed an ambulance up next to me, just a few feet away.

Lights, sirens, airhorn: not a nice alarm clock.

That "certain Captain" isn't done, either.

Suffice it to say that at least one of these will be his all-time best effort.

And...I've been sworn to secrecy, so I can't tell you what he did, but I'm already LMAO.
i am one of the jokes of my staion and the best that i pulled and noe toped is baby powder in the arms of the jacket and in all the folds of the pants when pushed down , along with the boots . talk about seeing a gaint dust ball. we didn't make the truck becouse it was so funny to look in the mirror and see a cloud of baby powder . have fun
The old graphite powder thats a clasic Joe. I've used that one on the nose piece of safty glasses and SCBA masks. little helpfull hint: to get more graphite to stick for a darker line use a little chapstick or carmex first and sprikle the graphite onto it. SmoknpipesJim thats too funny we always put a big gob of hand lotion on the ear piece. unexpected answers the phone and gets an ear full of lotion. not a very nice feeling.
I'm a voley so not a lot of pranking going on but at my full time job we have one guy that is just a cleen freek when it comes to his computer monitor. I me mean to the point he has his own windex and cleans it at least once a day. well one day i took the pump trigger out of his windex and took it over to another desk and opened the hand lotion. I wiped the stem of the pump off and stuck it into the lotion and gave the trigger a couple of pulls then pulled it back out and replaced the cap on the lotion. i wiped the stem of the pump clean of lotion on its out side and placed it back into the bottel of windex. then i placed one finger print in the center of his monitor and watched. talk about laugh. it took him 3 months to get that lotion off his monitor.
That's just mean! Funny as hell, but mean! LOL
ok the 2 i can remeber the best is we had a probie go check the hydrents one day he drove a little bug car there was just enough space between the 2 buildings we picked his car up and put it long ways so the bumpers touched the walls the 2 was the chief and ast chief was taking our new truck to put it in a perade so we washed it cleaned it but the never did see us put the signs just married on the back or the cans lol that was funny to see the people laugh and cheer as they drove thew it we still pick about that to this day
The only thing that we ever done worthy of this discussion was we got a probies phone while he was on an emt school ride along. He had just got engaged and we got his fiances phone number and had our wives and girlfreinds call her and make up a bunch of bs it was mean but funny but we had to come clean because she didnt beleive him when he told her it was us

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