Hey everyone!, my name is Jon, im currently a marine stationed up on Camp Lejeune, NC, im about to deploy agian here in a few months, when i get out the wife, baby and myself are planning on moving down to SC, were originally from OHIO but we've fallen in love with the south... anyways if anybody could help me out by sending me info on becoming a firefighter? at least a school to look at that would be amazing, thanks everybody, and ive got nothing but respect for every you guys do for your communities

Cpl Lehman

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OK, some of this you should be doing yourself. If you have a place in mind I would suggest looking around for schools that offer a FF program. If possible, try to take a placement test before your EAOS because some places may have a wait list. (several schools in WI do). Secondly, start working on getting some general ed classes out of the way if you can. If the Corps is like the Navy, there have been classes offered you could take advantage of and the cost is a textbook. If possible take advantage of such classes, also I would recommend taking some CLEP and DANTES tests....these are usually offered at the education center on most bases.

Basically try to knock out as much general education courses you can because most stuff will transfer to a school and you can focus on your core classes for FF. Also gives you more free time, which helps when you have a family. When you do find a school, get in touch with the VA rep for the school so that they can start working with you and you can use your GI Bill benefits. The schools I attended the reps have been extremely helpful. Also don't plan on your military MOS helping you much to land a FF job somewhere, you will qualify for points, but that typically is it. I can't count the number of kids who joined the military because they though the job would transition into civilian life.

I am former Navy and should have taken a greater advantage of classes when offered, but I did CLEP and took DANTES tests and got out of several general education classes. Get in touch with the VA rep as soon as possible, they are helpful and can inform you of other benefits, VA Home Loan, GI Bill (use it) and any other reimbursements the state may offer. However, you may not qualify for some stuff if you are from OH and moving to SC, usually it is a state resident, not a transfer. Good luck and be safe out there and thank you too for the service.
Jonathan, "Thank You" for the service you do for our country.Here's some SC fire academy info.toll free number1-800-896-1070. SC fire academy:141 Monticello trail Columbia SC.29203.You can also take a look at their web site.Good Luck, and be safe on your deployment.
There is a fire college just down the road from you in Jacksonville @ Coastal Carolina Community college Sept. 11-13th where you could take a class.

yea i saw that, what exactly is that? a three day class or what? because i know they have an actuall firefighting corse....
What are your long term goals here, a career FF or just looking to volunteer? Many schools offer different types of classes and some may be an extrication course, RIT course, etc, with good information but little or no credits. It would take awhile to compile enough credits that way for a degree. There are also such schools, that will conduct a fire academy course and focus on getting your certifications like FF1, 2 and so on. These certs are probably needed in order to get on any type of dept, but may not be enough to get you into a career dept. So it really comes down to what you are looking to do, any education helps, but if looking to go career, I definately recommend obtaining at least an associates in fire science.

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