well i have been on the volunteer department for about 6 months now and i realy want to get a payed position some day but i am wanting to know ok i have my ff1 but do i need to have anything other then that to become payed or do i need more and what do i need i plan on getting as much classes under my belt through the volunteer department so but yeah my dream is defenetly to have a career out of this so please any sugestions please and thank you

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Start with EMT-B, FF1 & 2, Hazmat Ops and check and see what depts. around you require; you may need Driver/Operator or other specialty classes . By that time, you'll have over a year with your vfd. Don't forget a good resume using spell check!
thanks guys sounds good i am still 21 so i cant take my driver class according to my departmen uhm and i will defenetly look into all of those classes i want to get as much inder my belt as soon as posible and just another quick what is the cpat as you were talking about damnthing i have never heard of it and also what does it go over
thank you for the help good luck to the both of you also

So you want to be a paid firefighter. Recommendation, a basic English comprehension class, basic math skills, and play with nonverbal challenges, you know,here are three shapes, what shape comes next things. A normal civil service test is written to around a solid 8th grade education level.

Next thing I'd recommend would be to test often and frequently. You will notice trends in test and you never know, you may slop out a good enough score to make it to the next round.

Physical Agility- Learn all about the CPAT, it's challenging but not difficult, or shouldn't be difficult. An internet search on CPAT will tell you everything you need to know, so I'lll just leave it at that.

Next is usually an oral exam, this is a very subjective step, though proper dress, and proper english are usually required to score well. If you speak like you are inbred, or a gang banger your score will reflect it.

Some departments have a Psych eval- I guess if you are truly nuts this step will weed you out versus the crazy for running into burning buildings crazy which is a job requirement.

Next is a Medical exam, depends on the department but if you were booted from the military, or not allowed into the armed services for a condition, check before applying. Also check the departments tobacco policy, some department won't hire you if you are a smoker or have used it in the last year.

Finally there is a Criminal background check. If you are a felon, don't bother applying same with theft. DUI are really bad and so are drug convictions.

It is a long drawn out process. Learn as much as you can about each department that you test for, (wages, shifts, platoon sizes, benefits, # of men on a truck etc). Test often and good luck.
Start with a decent education....then by all means take all the classes and training that you can...EMT at least to level 1 (Basic).....BUT...Be forwarned...while having FF1 and whatever else training...it looks good on a resume BUT expect to have to go to the Departments (or the State) Fire Academy if hired, many States require more hours for "paid" or "career" people than those required for Vollies. The better that you can make your resume the better your chances...remember there are a LOT of people applying for very few positions...put yourself in the employers place....ask yourself....Why should I hire me..? and prepare in this manner....Good luck in chasing your dreams.....Paul
A lot depends on which depts. you are considering. Most in my neck of the woods no longer hire FFs. They hire paramedics and train them to be FFs. FF1 is desirable, but not required. In checking the closest larger dept (Salem)near you, don't even apply if you do not have a paramedic cert.
Alot of what has already been said by the others is very true. Becomming familiar with what they are looking for as a minimum for hire is very basic. Most full-time departments will only ask that you are over 18 (some 21) and have a drivers license. And of course being a citizen of the US. Having FF1 is a bare minimum and EMT basic might not even be enough. Depends on what the department is looking to hire. In Wisconsin the chances of getting hired at the EMT basic level is rare. Most of the departments up this way require Paramedic. So start loading up on classes and keep applying at the departments around you. The interviews and tests are something they really dont prepare you for in school, but there are a ton of websites that can give you amazing info. Just google it. If and when you get hired on a full time department, prepare to do everything. The new guys are always a target. They will only see what you mess up on vs what you do well at. And it is true that respect is something that is earned in the Fire Service. How hard you work and how much effort you put into everything will show how far you go. Most if not all departments have a probationary period in which if they will test your ability at the job. Its the toughest part but hang in there. Good luck brother.

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