Yet another idiot bad mouthing firefighters-- read comments. calling us "over paid firetruck washers" might have to copy and paste the site.

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We should consider using some things, but one has to be careful to. One doesn't want to go on some blog site and bad mouth the elected officials. However, what does stick out is you are trying to point out what keeps THEM safe.

Problem is, that starts to become a "fear tactic" today and personally I think John Q Public is sick of fear tactics today. Instead of saying fire cuts will reduce YOUR protection, it doesn't mean much UNTIL they need us....but what are firefighters good at? Making due with what we have. We will still put the fire out, still respond and save lives, allowing the politicians say...See I told ya so,

Instead we need to give the taxpayer a greater sense of OWNERSHIP. They pay for the service, let them know what they pay for. How many depts do stuff the avg citizen has no clue about, like lift assists, CO alarm, changing smoke detector batteries, elevator calls and so forth? How many people explain that it isn't the bottom line on their tax bill that they are paying us for, but have them break down their tax bill. Take out the taxes for schools, county, and so forth (if in a city) and then break down the number of departments and services within the city and break down the numbers. In the end the general public finds they pay very little in a YEAR for fire protection and have them put a value to that amount and have them consider what "luxuries" they have and pay much more for, like internet, cable/satelit, etc. When I do that, there tends to be a lot of eye openings. They now have a value to their service and find out they don't pay too much when and if their life or family needs us.

We need to explain and educate the hazards we face and show the taxpayer why we operate the way we do. Have them take some ownership and when they find that they know more they may defend their service more. In the end a person with a greater sense of ownership would be willing to speak out against cuts to something they pay for, vs us going out with scare tactics of keeping them safe.
I like that.
Not baaaaaaad.
I will take it and use it.
But you're right, K.
Education is the key.
Unless they're afraid to learn.
And I have been blogging and participating in discussion forums for years and I can say without hesitation that I have never posted anything that I was ashamed of, brought shame to my department, was concerned about what others might think or held back because I was afraid someone who knew me might say something.
I mean; I only have my REAL name up all over the place.
People who fear reprisals from posting on the internet must have a reason, I guess.
Not me.
Not saying you did mention scare tactis and bad mouthing officials....I was just noting some things to be cautious of especially when and if a dept or local wants to utilize such media...especially blogs, because it is easy to let your feelings slip. Just saying.

As for "scare tactics" the point is when dept use the simple fact that reducing services affects the taxpayer safety, is that in today's world it doesn't have the impact like in the past.

Point being is the majority of taxpayers do not use our services, but we are an insurance for them, so when elected officials, consultants and even reporters paint a fire dept in a bad of the most common retorts from a FD is "your safety". Now look at the post 9/11 world we live in today with such things as THREAT CONDITION color codes...really who pays attention to that anymore? So why would people only seeing the economic factors just listen to the same old...It is YOUR saftey or life etc?...Instead make it where they get a sense of ownership.

As for people in offices not seeing you check hydrants and flow...oh well. So what they didn't come and ask what was going on, do you do it with their job? Does it mean they didn't take notice? Sometimes the toughest thing is to take our message to the people...offering to do a FD talk at a place of business, or neighborhood meeting, lodge meetings and so forth.

Ever notice when you do a station tour for like scouts or schools, that many adults are asking questions? Stuff like that is where one can highlightservices to give them a sense of ownership, rather than the folks who just show up when called. See where I'm coming from??
LOL What a chode!

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