Okay, we all have nicknames for our guys in the station. What are some of the names used in you station? I'll start it off....Come along Delong, Sweet Pete, Doc, Gumby, Black Bart.

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I ended up with the nickname of "Pinkie" (due to my pink hair)...not even from my company but from our mutual aide companies. We also have "Lips", "Big Dog", "Obi Wan", "Shrek", "Worthless", "Chief Joe" (who is not our chief), "Inky" and "Otter".
We have "manwhore" "ky" "kernal joe" "Ass Chief" And alot of other R rated nick names as well as Chief , Cap and Lou
Just added, "buddy". Skipper and Gilligan.
Probie, and princess.
We have Bubba,Pluggie,Mamma Duck to name a few
My nickname is pumba and it comes from when we were having a training weekend. We lit up the burn house and my team was the first team in well it wasn't that hot but we still had to crawl on our hands and knees because the smoke was so thick. And then all of sudden one of my guys holers hey melvin you look like pumba that warthog off of the lion king and since then pumba has stuck.
They call me "Spider Monkey". It all started in Ropes Class when we were ascending and I was able to make 2 and 3 trips up the rope to everyone else's one...it was a joke the first day but then news made it's way to the station and now everyone calls me that. LOL
i go by Buddha or ghillie

then we have the grape ape , angry ben , special k
well I have to add one for me "Boomhower" of the show king of the hill. I picked it up at fire academy and well it has made its way up this way and I heard it at work the other day. Texas is really alot smaller that you would think.
Lets see i we Have Deuce and a Half , Bubba , Wes , and a lot of others including me Roscoe( Due to my truck lookin like Roscoe's Car from Dukes of Hazard)
My Wife calls me her "Fire McDreamy" which has become a big hit at the Station....When not harassing me about that they are know to call me "Shadow" because I am know to come out of no where aka the shadows to help out when I am needed or even when I am not....lol. The nickname originated from my former station because I was eager to "Shadow" anyone who was willing to show me anything to help with my Fire Service career. Which even after 10 yrs I am still willing to learn something new because I believe that you are always able to learn & experiance new things as long as your determined to better yourself.
The guys call me trimmers. My hands shake sometimes worse than others.

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