Portable Radios- One For Each Crew Member or Do You Have to Share Them?

Several months ago, my F.D. updated our portable radios so that each seating position had it's own portable radio. We were able to do this due to a grant. This ensures that each crew member on that rig has his/her own radio. This has greatly improved safety and communication. I was just wondering what other F.D's, (from big city to small town) are doing.

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This small town department just got two radios for interior and this is all we have for portables other than the chiefs. With a budget that we have the only reason we got the two we got them is because they were donated.
we are a small area and only have a few we have to share all our officers get there own radios but the firefighters have to share the few radios we have we just upgraded to a better radio system but didnt get any more radios just a couple but i have always wanted us to be able to have enough for every to at least have one on calls because if we get a call to a fire and we have to enter the structure i would want the entry team to have a ready in case something goes wrong or something happens and we are trying to get there but with being a small vol fire dept it will take time and thats kool gotta do what yeah gottsa do
That's so stupid on there part !!Every firefighter should have a radio!! Sure they cost a lot of money but which is more important some's life or the depts stupid policy??? Sound's like someone need's a wake-up call !! I hope all work's out for you ! Be safe

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