Here's some pics of an old pump we have in one station:

The thinking many, many, many years ago was that this would provide water if there was a power outage. Unfortunately at 7 1/2 HP and less than 85 GPM, it just doesn't cut it anymore. Couple that with the large amount of floor space it takes up and the fact the it is a bugger to try to start...well it's just time to get rid of it.

We've replaced it with a portable pump that is the same as our other portable pump which means less training for everybody.

Originally, we were going to donate the old one to a museum. However, the powers that be (Municipal Council) decided we should sell it and put the funds towards buying other equipment. But we don't really know what it is worth. Nor do we know where to advertise something like this. I'm pretty sure it's one of those things that isn't worth much to most people, but would be worth a lot to the right individual - just not sure how to find that person!

Anybody have any ideas?

Captain Andrew Dalgarno

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A Bump back to the top...anybody have any ideas on this?

Put it on Ebay, you never know what someone is willing to pay for it, and you are more likely to find a buyer there than anywhere.

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