some funny questions/ comments said to me while operating..feel free to add your own

i am just posting some things that were said or asked to me that i thought were funny ... feel free to add your own..

1 . (fire is self venting from the second floor window on a three story multiple dwelling brownstone) this intoxicated gentleman asks me "are you guys really going to go in there?"

2. a woman once asked me who is in charge of filling the hydrants because the one in front her house is empty...

3.(while climbing to the roof of the fire building via aerial ladder i was told "the fire is inside .. not on the roof..."

4. our company placed elevators in fireman service. when the elevators opened at the lobby a lady told me the werent working properly and i would have to take the stairs..

5. do we really need to use lights and sirens at 5 am. ?

6. forcing entry to a taxpayer fire using a power saw and a metal blade to cut the locks off the roll down gates . i was told by the owner you should have called i would have brought the keys......i only live 15 mins away...

7.forcing a door conventionally(axe and halligan) for a food on the stove the guy passed out drunk on the couch told me didnt have to break down the door all you would have had to do was knock...mind you the door was steel door steel jamb and had multiple locks it took us about 45 seconds to get through this door and we were banging alot to get a purchase.

8.flipped over auto extrication the lady pinned in the car tells me ''dont wreck the car its all i have"

9.''why is there so much water in my aparment''? ...the tennent below the fire apartment...

10. "where is the chief? " i reply "the guy with the white hat"... "well that doesn't help ..what am i supposed to do lift everones helmet and look for a white hat?"

11. checking the adjoining building for extention we were told that the fire was in the other building...

12.when asked many questions about my TDA by a curious teen ...when he was told the top speed was only 65 mph... he stated "my mustang could totally dust that truck..."

13. my truck was flagged over by a guy on the highway whos car was on fire ... he told the chief he wanted to file a complaint because all we did was watch it burn instead of putting it out (it was way past a can job on arrival) tall is your ladder? 100 ft i answer.. did you ever climb to the top of it?.. um .. yes every time i use it i answered..

15. the door is locked are you guys going be able to get in? asked to us by a police officer .

16. if the stuck elevator is on the tenth floor how do you get up there?...... ummm stairs i replied

17. how come all of you have to go food shopping ? cant you just send one guy with the truck? ...and if there is i call ? i asked ...the lady answered "he would meet you there " she said proudly.... i replied and how would we get there?

feel free to post your own funny questions comments stay low stay calm stay safe - john

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shane i know what u mean we always get that....most of the time it is stated "you mean i cant go this way".. ppl ask dumb questions
At a structure fire. Three engines, two tankers, multiple personnel on scene. Woman walks up and asks,"What's goin on?" I replied, "I don't know."
I was the first on the scene of an alarm and smoke smell at a local hotel. I got out of my vehicle (red lights still on) and suited up in full gear before walking toward the door. A man out front looked at me and said "you an electrician?". I said nope a firefighter and I wanted to add "Here's your sign."
We responded once for a CO detector sounding. We soon found out it was at a home where a bachlorette party was going on. As we walked in, they asked "are you guys the strippers?". They had a bit of a disappointed tone in the question. After we informed them we were not, they told us that we should have been there a little sooner, we just missed the lingerie show.
MVC on a rural dirt road, car piled up into a tree. This little old lady rides by six times rubber necking. On the seventh pass she has built up enough courage to ask "Has there been a wreck?". One of my firefighters replies "No ma'am, we are parking cars in trees. As you can see the cedar is occupied so you'll have to take the oak."

Fairly new slick sleeve SC Trooper pulls up on scene of a head on MVC where we have extricated two patients. He gets out of his car, puts on his Smokey Bear hat at a rakish tilt, does the "I'm somebody important" belt adjustment and swaggers over to the group of us standing there. He puffs out his chest and says "What's going on here?" Neighboring station's Chief, retired Captain from a dept in NY State says "I dunno guy. It was like this when we got here."

On scene of a working fire out in a rural area. We have set up jet dump operations and have 3 engines, 4 tankers, and a couple squads on scene. I'm pumping the dump site engine. Little old lady across the street has been sitting on her porch building up courage to walk over. She walks up to me and says "How do y'all get all those firetrucks in that little two door firehouse?"

Fire at a local eatery. Sign on the roof has shorted out and started a fire in the void space. We are working off ladders trying to get to the fire when the owner comes up and asks "Can you turn the red lights off on the trucks? It's scaring away customers."

2. a woman once asked me who is in charge of filling the hydrants because the one in front her house is empty...

LOL! That is a good one.

I can't really think of one off the top of my head besides the usual MVA question "What happened?" Some times I'll respond "A train derailed" and even in our tiny little community people say "Really!?" Err, umm, there isn't a working track within 15 miles of our town.

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MVC on a rural dirt road, car piled up into a tree. This little old lady rides by six times rubber necking. On the seventh pass she has built up enough courage to ask "Has there been a wreck?". One of my firefighters replies "No ma'am, we are parking cars in trees. As you can see the cedar is occupied so you'll have to take the oak." that was one of the most funny replys i have ever heard for that question...
everybody that is replying to this post i thank you for sharing your funny stories...It is very important we keep a light spirt in this profession. tell your friends to post and i thank everyone for taking timeout of your lives to put a smile on a brother/sisters face.....stay low, stay calm, stay safe -john
Our station is across the street from our city hall and city maintenance department where our local "ruffians" go to fulfill the community service obligations for DUI's and such. About two weeks ago, there were 3 or 4 of us monkeying with a generator in the front door of the engine bay when this gorgeous little 20-something walks up wearing next to nothing(shorts and a halter top if I remember correctly) and asks, "Is this where I come to do my community service?"

There were SEVERAL seconds of stunned silence and if she could have read our thoughts I'm sure the list of harassment charges would have covered multiple pages!!

Oh God I f'ing hate that!
We rolled up on a house pouring smoke from the eves and a neighbor asked if it was on fire.... WOW

Number 5 is a legitimate question in my opinion. I'll run the lights but I won't touch the siren, there's no point in waking half the neighborhood with the horns and siren just so they can run down the street and rubberneck. I also look at it as a courtesy thing.
My favorite, as mentioned above, is on a scene with apparatus galore and an active extrication and a driver stops in the middle of the road and asks, "What's going on?" I always answer shark attack. And they drive away satisfied at an answer; never mind it's southcentral Alaska and the nearest ocean water is 100 miles away.

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