Around the coffee table, our shift was discussing how nice it was to have I.A.F.F. stickers on our apparatus and helmets. How many have or know of other fire departments that allow I.A.F.F. stickers on their apparatus or helmets?

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In our dept it is the fact that we are a split dept and the Vol Chief and asst Chief have power over the career staff That being said the town that we protect is growing by leaps and the demographic is forcing the career dept. And the vols are getting pushed out , They think by us putting our stickers on the rigs we are slighting them! Ridiculous.
We have them on all trucks & are allowed to have on our helmets.
Hey Brian, we do allow stickers and decals on apparatus at Albemarle County Fire & Rescue
We have union stickers on all of our apparatus, as well as our local# on all of our uniforms. Some guys have union stickers on their helmets, as well as "in memory" stickers.
We are allowed to wear IAFF stickers on our helmets where i work.
The chief of my department dosen't say anything about helmet stickers. As far as apparatus stickers we are a combination department and we have both I.A.F.F and the state volunteer organization stickers on the apparatus.
WE Had the reflective I.A.F.F. Stickers on our Helmets but then we had to take them off because they said someone complained. But we do have the American Flag ones with the I.A.F.F. Symbol in the middle it goes unnoticed the majority of the time.
We went through what you are going through 4yrs ago with the city growing rapidly and the Vol thinking we were trying to force them out rather then the fact that we were trying to provide the best service for the public. It gets better I promise.
Yes our department has stickers on all apparatus as well as stickers on our helmets.
You mention "was", are you no longer allowed to do so?

Our Chief was our Local President. Helmets and rigs are not a problem. With the rigs we avoid putting them on painted surfaces, mostly windows.
Local 2951 was allowed to place the stickers on our helmets, just not the riggs. This was due to the fact that our Township Trustees still remember the days of Vol. F/F and refuse to allow the membership to identify with what they believe was the ousting of the vol.


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