Can not remember the formula for friction loss if there is any body that can please HELP
I need for 1 1/2,1 3/4, 2 1/2,5 inch hose. Been to long since I have used this knowledge and now I can not remember it.

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i googled your question and here is a website that i think you will find very helpful. good luck. i marked this site for myself too.
I don't remember the IFSTA Coefficient for friction loss in 1.5 inch hose, but here are the rest:

1.75 inch - C=15.5
2.5 inch - C = 2
5 inch - C = 0.08

The formula is C(Qsquared)L where C is the hose coefficient, Q is the quantity of gallons per minute flowing divided by 100, and L is the length of the hoseline on feet divided by 100.
My department is finishing a hose coefficient test involving every engine crew, a couple of very good hydraulics instructors, and Akron representatives. We've derived actual 1.75 hose coefficients at an average of around 10. The range we derived was 8.65 to 11.67.

Our live tests have shown that our 2.5 inch and 5 inch C's are so close to the IFSTA numbers it's not worth discussing the difference.
Formula is FL=CxQ2xL/100 (C is coefficient, Q=flow, L= Length)
thanks for all your help. can any body tell me the formula for pump presure, also.

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