Ok, time for the young kid to screw up agian, everyone probly read my discussion about safety belts, which got blown out of the water, but any way this is a different question.

In our department to set up a landing zone we use our parking lot which is ajacent to out firehall, and for markers we either use 4 flares, or 4 cone with lights under them.

I would like to see wat other departments use for landing terrain, and for markers

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We do yearly certs here as well. And being rural, also, we set up as near to the pt. as possible. Usually a field or pasture. For markers, we rely on warm bodies, with flashlights at night. I always thought that 4 of the hazard lights from the road department(amber flashers) would work well.

I'll have to remember to bring that up at the next meeting...

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