The first call I answered in NY was a false alarm. My first call here in SC, I will never forget.
It was a structure fire where we lost a mother, and three children. It was a very difficult time
for the entire fire department. This is not the way anyone should have to answer their first alarm, but it happens. I can only prey that I don't have to come accross another alarm such as that.

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Hey LVVFD622, Again thanks for responding to the discussion.
Now that I would think had to be a very dangerous fire, just thinking
of all the gun powder, and live ammo that was stored. Thank God none of
the firefighters were Killed. Sometimes you just don't know what you are going
to come across. Thanks again for sharing your story, be safe out there Brother.
My first call was a Carbon Monoxide alarm activation and i bout fell on my ass tryin to get my shoes on
Mine is kind of a funny/non-call first call. I was working as a volunteer at a 2 person station where it was just me and the engineer. My first "sleep over" and of course I was not sleeping well wondering how I was going to handle my first experience. I woke up in the middle of the night to a call over the radio, for what I thought was a structure fire. Hyperventilating, I rushed into the bay, put my gear on like a good newbie and sat in the passenger seat of the engine and waited, and waited, and waited. The engineer never came out of the crew quarters, crap! Now I am just torn up with anxiety knowing that I have to wake this guy up who probably doesn't even know my name. I finally wake him up and tell him that we have a fire, but of course I don't know where or any details of the dispatch. He gets dressed, we go responding with our dispatch and they come back sounding confused asking where we are going. "responding to the structure fire....can you repeat the location" The dispatch comes back on and says "E41 we do not have a report of a structure fire you can return to quarters" Turns out I had dreamt the entire dispatch and had gotten us both up in the middle of the night for nothing....great start to my fire experience. I questioned myself for quite a while after wondering every night if the call I was preparing to respond to was real.
Hey Truckeewads, Thank you for responding to the discussion.
That is quite a story, I take it that you will never live that down. I know
if it was me you woke up to go to a call that didn't exist, and then ferther
more get on the radio to get the location, I'm sure I wouldn't let you ever
forget it. Again, thanks for a great story. Be safe out there Brother.
My first call was a MVA with a fatality 13 year old girl. I will never forget that call it is imprinted in my head forever.
Hey Lt. Shane, Good to hear again from you, and responding to yet
another one of my discussions. I have to agree with you as far as the
right choice for a career. I don't think anything come's close, or more
rewarding. Thank's again, and be safe out there Brotheer.
My first call was a 2 car MVA. A minivan pulled out in front of a pick up truck on a county road. Luckily no one was seriously injured.
Hey Cory, Thanks for responding to the discussion.
I understand how that will alway's be with you. Whenever you have
a call that involves a fatality, it always seem to stay with you forever.
Thank you for sharing your story with us, and be safe out there Brother.
Hey 11-53, Thanks for responding to the discussion.
Thank you for sharing your story with us. Whenever you have a call that
dosen't have any seriously injured, is a good call.
Again thanks, and stay safe Brother.
my first call as a paid firefighter was a power line arcing on a pole in trees. I was in my gear on the tailboard (it was almost 33 years ago - so yep, we rode tailboard) before the other tailboard firefighter, the driver and our Lt. even came out into the bay. They told me to save the exictement for something exciting. Oh well.
Hey Dave, thank you for responding to the discussion.
I'm sure you have seen much in the past 33 years in the
fire service. I also remember the good O'le years, I use to
ride the side board of the Ladder Trucks, now a days, you don't
even see Ladder Trucks with side boards, most have been put out
of service. Thanks again for sharing your story with us, and be safe
out there Brother.
I cant remember my first fire call but my first call as an emt was a group of five people got hit by a car. I was a witness to the accident. i emediatly called it in and as i got closer there were two people on the ground. one had a deffinate femor fracture and he told me to help her girlfriend first. I went to her she was responsive at first, she was talking to me and answering all of my questions. I took c-spine and waited for the ambulance. we loaded her up and took her to the lz. she ended up coding 8 times before they got her to the hospital. She coded again at the hospital and they couldnt get her back. I have had many nightmares since that day. I know that we did all that we could but it still bothered me. Especially when i learned that it was her 19th birthday that day. The ironic thing is that it was my 19th birthday too.

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