What is the Oldest Fire Apparatus You Have In Service In Your Department?

In the department I belong, we have a 29 year old American LaFrance Ladder Truck. You would never know that by looking at it, and it is still in great machanical shape as well.

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Thanks again Mike, let me know when you have them.
Be safe Brother.
I will... Stay Safe capt
1989 FMC Spartan 1500 GPM Pumper

Best pumper in the entire county fleet
Our oldest truck still in service is a 1990 GMC/Darley Pumper. Still runs pretty good but we have been running into some electrical issues with it lately. We also have a 1923 original Model-T pumper.

Heres a link to the Model T pix-- http://www.firefighternation.com/photo/original-hfd-model-t?context...
I dont have a pix of the 1990 pumper but you can find pix of all our trucks at indianafiretrucks.com (northwest indiana, porter county, hebron)

We have a 1976 Oran which is our 1st run Engine. It has a Detroil Deisel and Allison auto transmission.

We think it's a lot better that those Cornbinders the paid station has!
Hey Jack, Thanks for responding to the discussion.
I have to say that some of the older trucks are the better
trucks. I'm sure if the parts were still avilable for them, I think
we would see more of them around.
Thanks again, Be safe out there Brother.
Hey Todd, thanks for sharing the pictures with us, and
for responding to the discussion. Stay safe out there Brother.
Hey Dustin, Thanks for responding to the discussion, and
for sharing the pictures with us. They look great.
Thanks again, Stay safe out ther Brother.
1977 Mack CF PUMPER.
Hey Turk, Thanks again for responding to on of my discussions.
Do you have any pictures of your 1977 Mack ??? They were a good
looking fire Truck. We had one in the department that I use to be with.
Well, thanks again, stay safe brother.

The top is or 1984 and the bottom is our 1977

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