What is the Oldest Fire Apparatus You Have In Service In Your Department?

In the department I belong, we have a 29 year old American LaFrance Ladder Truck. You would never know that by looking at it, and it is still in great machanical shape as well.

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I've got a l952 Ford Midwest Pumper with less than 10,000 miles on it, still has the tires that came from the factory, we use it as a parade truck,passed it last pump test. Also have a 1974 Ford American LaFrance 55' Telsqurt makes two story fires. We run a 2003 KME first-due with a 1986 Grummans second out.
Hey that is a great lookin scooter you're stand by, any Fire and Iron stations around you ?
1994 Spartan Gladiator/Saulsbury Pumper/Tanker
1988 Ford Brush Truck.
Here's our 1975 Maxim 100' stick. It's powered by a detroit 8-71 and has a 750 gpm hale hale.

71 american lafrance
We have a 1952 Ford Cabover Pumper
Is it still in service as a work truck ??
We have a 1982 smeal pumper and a 1978 ambulance converted in to our water rescue vehicle.
We have two 1978 model trucks still in service. One is a Chevy pumperwitha 100 gpm pump real good shape, and the other is a ford tanker with a 2500 gal tank and a 750 gal min pump. All still run well and passpump tests every year.
Hey Larry, Thanks for responding to the discussion.
Nothing like a good old Ford & Chevy. Thanks for sharing
your information with us. Stay safe Brother.
Hey Capt., Thanks for responding to the discussion.
Stay safe Brother.
Thank You to all who have responded to this discussion.
I would like to hear from others, and maybe add a picture
if you have one.

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