Hello all , not sure if this the right thread to use and if so i apologise ..

Whist i am not a real life firefighter or EMT i am however a Battalion Chief for a Virtual Fire Dept that actually participates in fire fighting and Medical responces using Roleplays , over the past 3 years i have participated in the virtual game of Second Life where within a small urban setting called a sim i have been involved with a fantasy Fire Department known as the FDH - Fire Dept Hathain , where we get involved in most RL senarios inc fire suppression and rescues using realistic vehicles and equipment all made in game , a large majority of the staff within the department are actual real life FF's and medical staff from all across europe and the US , i have added some photos of the dept in game as well as posting a youtube video we did recently . it has been a real honour to represent and participate in the game as a firefighter i can only imagine what you guys go through on a daily basis in real life , i am soon to be taking up a chiefs role in game within a brand new dept soon to be operational , so any information or pointers would be welcomed :) .

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oD5FhGoVHw4&feature=channel_page is the link to the ingame video.

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Hi , Yes it is a online game called Second Life , its a massive world wide virtual world where you can pretty much do anything your imagination lets you do including firefighting as show above .

http://secondlife.com/ is the website which should help you understand more about the game itself , its totally free to sign up and download with the option of buying premium accounts etc .

I hope this has helped answer your question.
Looks like the sort of thing people could have fun with. Pity about the crappy graffics though (crappy from my perspective as a long time MMRPG person).

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