Latest ADD; Let me offer the following two aerial imaged that will offer opportunties for additional dialog and discussion. The aerial of the Delta side provides the greatest insights into what adaptive, reuse and renovation is all about. I'll provide more of my take on this after we get more comments and perspectives. Some key factors relate to the building's reuse and occupancy, the construction features that are evident on the Delta side and what your observations "tell" you from the Bravo side. Also, lets talk about the building's size...30 ft. wide x 190 ft. in length. Things are not always what they first appear to be....
Let's take a look at developing and enhancing your observation, profiling and size-up skills from the street.
We have two images; A view from the street of the Alpha and Bravo side and the other view from the Alpha and Delta sides. Each provides a distinctive view and insights in the structure, occupancy and risk profile of the structure. As with any incident response, there may be very unique or subtle conditions or factors that will influence your strategic decision-making process, risk perspective, the development of your IAP and tactical implementation and assignments.
Barring issues related to incident factors (i.e, fire, rescue etc.) take a look at the building carefully, take a look at its profile, what your experience gauge is telling you, what you may have experienced in the past (RPDM) and provide your insights on any number of the wide range of factors such as;
Building, Occupancy, Type, Construction, Systems, Hazards, Risk, Performance, Stability, Fire Load, Occupancy Load, Fire Travel, Smoke Travel, Occupant Travel, Access, Egress, Ventilation Profile, Engine Company Access and hose-line movement, Rescue, Removal etc.
There’s a wealth of discussion points here for us to explore. As always, our individual view from the street may not always be the same, but we can learn from our combined view points.
Operational Safety Considerations at Ordinary and Heavy Timber Constructed Occupancies,
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