i know there has already been a dissussion on this topic but its closed
and i wanted to voice my opinion.
im 17 and i went to my 1st mva about a week ago, ive been to them before but only as road patrol. i had someone tell me that i was too young to be in the scene and i should have come home on the van early instead of staying out there. i know its cause they care, people were worried about me and how i would react it was a really bad accident needing an extrication. i found i was ok. my oic asked me if i was ready before we went up to the car i told him i was, he asked if i was sure and told me if i wasnt lket him no, it may hit me later he told me he would be right beside me the whole time. i personally felt i was ready for it, i got up there and did my job, i wasnt sure whether it would effect me later and if it still will, but i felt fine, the next day i was more bugged bout it because i was confused on how i was ment to be feeling, was i ment to feel fine like nothing had happened, i then realised that thats what was bugging me and after realising that i became fine because i acepted the way i felt. i was there to do a job and i did it. how else am i supose to learn. i had a mva training course last yr i found it was really good because i treated it like a training senario.

but i think if i was any younger they wouldnt have let me. but i think it really depends on the person and whether they can handle it.

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I assisted my first mva with the patient trapped at 17. I'm 20 now.
Sarah? I thought you were a Firefighter, not a Junior? Do you mean 'junior' as in not an adult, or 'junior' as in not a firefighter member of your Brigade?
oh im confuised with the whole junior thing
junior as in not 18 im fully operational ff but they dont like people under 18 on the scene much
That's what I thought. Good idea to stay away from using the word 'junior' though! We don't have any under-18's in my current Brigade, but the Captain has been known to not allow any under twenty or even older but not who he conciders experienced members to go to MVA's. But I won't go there...

May I take it that your OiC is very experienced? Seems like he was lookong after you anyway. I'm not too sure on this one myself - somewhat ambivalent. Different people can take this type of incident in different ways, we don't really know how they'll take it until it happens. Trouble is, that can be at any age... However, it's usually thought that the younger the person then the more chance there is that such a thing can have a bad result.

More years under the belt, with the chance of more life experience, are taken as being a better idea. It's that 'life experience' thing that is the key I think. The chance for a person's thinking process to have passed on from more 'childish' (no insult ever intended with that remark!) concepts towards the so-called adult range.

I've seen a person, over 25, who didn't cope well at all on seeing a victim up close. This is after over eight years as a FF. I was very impressed with his statement that he thought he needed to "talk with someone", a very mature attitude there! I've also seen a much younger, with less experience, member handle quite easily with a similar happening . So age is not the sole criteria. Not being a shrink I'm not qualified and will go no further in this line.

Have I got an answer for you? No. I have thoughts, I've attempred to pass on some of those thoughts. Hopefully to help with the way you might understand different comments about this question.
thankx :)

yea we have a really good crew at my station he is also my training officer and really helped me get through my course
mum reckons its cos ive seen alot of dead people in my life

Hi tony
sarah and i are in the same brigade and yes she did well at the mva scene it was not a pretty one. your comments are appreciated sometimes a out side perspective is good.
cheers rolley
G'day Paul. Anytime I can help someone I try. Must be why I've always liked being an instructor! Not that I'm an expert!!!
Hi Tony the day some one tells me they are a expert is the day i give them a size 9 up the rear we are never to old to learn i was a osh cordinator for years and every time i turned around something had changed
im gonna need to get that printed on my shirts i think
i wouldent worry about the chief and the others they are being protective it may annoy you at times but in the end we are all looking out for each other
yea nah cheif n all that were ok
it was julie who was like real anti me being there, it was more her personal opinon. r u gunna get rolley printed on a tshirt
well Sarah i have had the unfournate luck of being on a dozen or so fatals and i am a strong person but i still think about it be a Vol FF 9 times out of 10 your going to know the person in the car. I leanred i nthe Miitary how to deal with things like that that will come with experiance. Now there are things called Critical incident stress debriefing meeting you can set up to just talk about the accident. No i have attended these and have mixed feelings on them i see good reason to have them and bad. The lady basicly told me and my buddy we were goign to commit suicide cause we hear something sound like are pagers and we flinch. so if you want take a look at them not telling you to do it or not though. As for being a JR FF with are station until your 18 you are not allowed to operate are hurst tools (as per state) and as per are station JR's only do traffic we try to follow more state laws then make a bunch of stupid ones. As long as you can open up about incidents and shake them off you will make it far as a Rescue Tech. Does it still effect me kindai guess it makes me look at my life and realize how short it can be only becasue about 6 fatals ago they got right behind me going down the highway so don't think to much on these types. and remember if you feel you need to talk about tlak to someone don't bottle it up that is what kills FF with these topics. Hope that helps ya out a little and you need anything please feel free to e-mail me.

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