Why Does the Older Firefighter Have a Problem with Juniors/Explorers?

in my company there r very few firefighters that like the junior program is that the same in every company or jus mine and how come kids say stuff about us calling us wanna bes if they only really new how much we doo ....

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If you fight fire like you spell it's no wonder you see problems. Grow up if you want to do this job. Juniors have a place in most departments and are very helpful, we realize that...but if you want to do a man's job then quit griping and act like it. Sorry, that just the way it is.
well if we werent around then im sure they would notice. They would have to do more work when they were done and during the incident. Personally my Company loves me but im the only Junior.
I bet it depends on the company but it is kinda crappy other FF's hinder you tho, about the highschool kids they are just wishing they could get to do somthing great like being a FF. Keep your head high be proud of what your doing and be a professional at all times especialy when you got your FD colors on

my grammar aint so good either haha!
that the truth and we have that to
Well, I have responded to this before but I have a new light on it.....It is simple really...Look at the Jr comments and questions and how some of them express themselves here in the FFN forum......any questions...?
they think that we take away there uhh i guess you would call it "tradition". what i mean by this, when it comes to training the older guys no what most everything is and what it does but when u have the "young bucks" up at the plate they have to teach you and show u which leaves them with less playtime and more time teaching. perhaps some arent mature enough, strong enough, or we have a tendency to get in the way. i dont thnk u will ever no the real reason unless u ask.
"treat the guys with respect and you will earn theirs..."

these are very powerful and accurate words coming from someone who has seen more Code 3 driving through the rearview mirror than many on the FFN has seen through the windshield...

true we do alot for them and some dont like it .
"One big thing that annoys many old guys here on FFN is spelling and grammer."

I would not be consistent Ralph if I didn't bust your chops about mispelling grammar...

CBz (old guy)
I think it has a lot to do with the attitude that Junior/Explorer members have about their place in the heiarchy of the Fire Service.

As a Jr/Ex you are NOT a Firefighter, and Junior FF and Explorer programs are NOT intended to let you work as a Firefighter. Departments that allow Jr/Ex to perform Firefighting duties are asking for a major lawsuit if a Jr/Ex ever gets seriously injured or killed. Departments can also face serious consequences with OSHA ( or their State OSHA, depending) if they violate child labor laws.

If you worked at a Pizza place or a deli, you cannot operate the machinery until you turn 18. I know it sucks, but there's nothing you can do about it except to embrace the suck.

In the Fire Service there are basically three levels of Firefighters: Senior Firefighters, Firefighters and probationary Firefighters. Which is other trades would be called Master, Journeyman and Apprentice. Junior FF and Explorers are a rung below Probationary Firefighters.

Three rules to remember to make your time as a Jr/Ex a better experience and allow you to learn more from the Firefighters in your department:

1) Jr/Ex are not equals with Adults.
2) You are invited and welcomed into the department in a learning capacity, not in a working capacity.
3) Watch and listen to how the Firefighters do things, ask questions and listen to the answers carefully.
4) Do not pretend to be a Firefighter. Once you have completed FF1 training and are legally eligible to be a Firefighter (turn 18 and in many states have a High School Diploma or GED), you will be called a Firefighter. As long as the word "Junior" is in your title you are a student.

Seriously, know where you fit in, act appropriately and you will learn more and get along better with the "Old Guys."

I'm a firefighter explorer and the guys at my fire department love the program that we call cadet program which lets anyone from the age of 14 to 18 be a "cadet" at the fire station. We can't run on calls but we do get the shirts and goodies and we do all of the same training and a little bit more than our firefighters. See we are a combination department and so we only have four full time guys. The only firefighter out of a total of about 50 guys and three girls there is only 2 guys I know that don't like the "cadet" program.
Hey man I started where you did about 8 years ago. If you can respond to calls get good at the smaller jobs like hitting the hydrant changing out air cylindars being a gopher. When you guys have training get in there and get hands on. Just start doing the chores of the station like washing trucks and sweeping floors don't wait to be told. Just show the guys you want to be there ask questions don't act like a dumbass and listen when the are teaching you stuff. Act like a firefighter and they will treat you like a firefighter act like a dumbass and they'll treat you like a dumbass. As for the kids at school just ignore them a time will come when you may help save a life of one of them or somebody they know it will change there attitude on you. Stay safe keep your mouth shut and your ears open and don't let the little things bother you and you will go far as a firefighter

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