hey guys. i am trying to restart our firefighter association. and i need some help on some fund raising ideas... so i would like some input into any ideas you might have, or some ones that you have done in the past to raise some money. any input would be greatly appreciated... thank you ff. stafford

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There are a lot of different ideas / things to do. One suggestion is to check out the group http://www.firefighternation.com/group/fundraiserideas right here on FFN.
Have a Carnival, Local Fair, Games, Rides, Venders, always a good money maker.
It will take some hard work, and the commitment from all involved, Most of all
it's good PR within your community.
hoagie sale
We have a community fun day. It mostly for the kids. We have a mock extrication with wing and mutal aid depts. We cut a fire fighter out of the car and package them and put them in the wing as we would if it was an actual call. One of our other fitre fighters explains over the loud speaker what we are doing and why as we are doing it. Our community loves this. It shows them what we do and tells them how and why. Its also great PR. We also have games, food, band and general fellowship. At the end of the day we have a fire fighter challange. WE have two poles with wire strung between and a barrel. whoever gets the barrel to the opposite side wins. It fun and hey throw in some hose training all in one.
Have you tried a car show or a spaghetti dinner? I know that these might not be in the way of what you were thinking as it takes alot of $ to start a firefighter assoc but that is a start. Our local company did a car show and made quite a bit of $
Well in our area FIsh Fry's are a big $$$$$$$ maker. We have some local commercial fishermen who will either donate or give us one heck of a rate on the fish. WE usually end up with around 90% of all items donated so not alot of out of pocket up front cost. Try and plan it when there is something else going on in your area. That way the ppl are already there. Good luck and TCSS

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