Hello everyone!! As you can tell by the volume of postings I have on here, I'm addicted. Since your reading this, your obviously part of the family of firefighter nation. In order for us to expand we in turn need to each do our part to spread the word!! Bring the website to the firehouse, and start telling your friends and co firefighters. The website can and does do us each a service by providing news updates, and also great story lines on many differant subjects. We obviously all can't meet in person, but every person that joins the site brings us as a nation, or even globally together.
Top spot? I didnt know there was such a thing lol. EITHER way, I am the type of person who is devoted to helping others. Whether it be with general talk, or logistical help on any subject. I have a flair for writing, and When its a subject like firefighting I get very passionate about what I write. I can sit down with a specific topic and write all day, but when I HAVE to (like for a job or assignment) I get writers block.