check out my Females in the Fire service Group. I am not man bashing at all. I am just stating that i believe women that can do the job deserve equality!!! I do understand that there are women out there that cant...'cuz I have them on my department TOO, however those are the ones that give chics like me who love to get dirty and get hot ( in a fire the that is) a bad name. Tell me your thoughts.

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All I can do is go from experience and I know one female Firefighter that kicks that sh*t outta fires. I've seen her work and she shows shw knows how to get the job done. She got more balls than soe of the guys I've seen. There are some women that cant do the job, just like there are soe guys that cant.

Stay Safe,

I think that your sex, age, religion, or anything else other than your heart can dictate whether or not you can perform in the fire service. If the fire service is the career you choose to follow and are determined to succeed, then anyone, no matter who or what they are, can be an asset to the fire service. I use to volunteer for a fire department where I use to live, and the chief's wife was also a volunteer there. She was one of very few or only woman in the state that went through the flash-over prop and was able to pass it. She is proof that women are very much capable of succeeding in the fire service as their counter part can.
Respect-are you looking at it as something you should receive free of charge because of your gender? If so, I have absolutely no respect for for you.
If look at respect as something to be earned, then you have a chance to be respected.
I do agree in some departments they do set women apart from the men. But in the Deptartments that I have belonged to especially the one I belong to now. There is no male, female thing we are firefighters...... If we want to learn then act any man or woman in my department is more than happy to teach. We train together and we perform together. It is a simple as that!!! Maybe if they are separating you then you probalby need to find another department that will treat you as an equal
Here's a link to and the "Pac II Nomex Hood, Pink " they stock.
I just want to say that I don't care what color hood anyone wears, as long as they do their job.

I wear a tie-dyed hood.
Hey Boys The girls are here to stay so deal with it. If you can't handle this line of work, Man, Women, short, fat, skinny, tall , what ever GO HOME stop the bitchin. Put the fires out, Go home safe.
i agree with u totally.. if u are not willing to do the job, dont volunteer to do it
I worked on a paid department in the early eighties when women in the fire service was still young. Some could, some couldn't but we had guys the same way. Screw that male ego crap cause we all are on the same team and are doing the same job. If you can't do it, buck up and admitt it and change aspects of your career before you get hurt or hurt somenone else. Gender is not an issue on the fire ground. I have many memories on the job with Nancy and I would go anywhere with her.
If gender is part of the discussion, then it is still factored into the decisions.
When you can look at a situation without regard or comment to gender, then decisions will be made based on the merit of the project and not because of sexual equipment.
Separate bathrooms are fine.
But it stops there.
I am a female in the fire dept. I can not do the physical work that the guys can do such as carrying a person out of a burning buiding, cutting a patient out of a car,etc, but I can do the other things that need to be done at the station such as cleaning, helping and organizing fund raisers, photography for training, and other odd jobs like that. I feel there are certain things for each member and if a female has the strength to carry a person out of that burning structure go for it ,if not there is lots of other things that can be done and let the physical part left for the stronger men. We don't have lack of respect in our station. We are all treated the same. We are a family.
i agree there are some men out there that cant or wont do what they r supposed to i know there r ppl everywhere like this..i mean u do need people to do the small jobs also but some dont want to do them either they just want the ff title

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