I was just wondering what type of Ladder Trucks do you have in your Departments.
Where I came from in New York, we had two ladder trucks. One was a 100 Ft. American
LaFrance Tiller, and the second was a 100 Ft. Mid Mount Seagrave. Just as I was leaving
the department was getting a 100 Ft. Rear mount Platform.
The Department I am with now has a 50 Ft. American LaFrance Squirt.
I will say that it is a much smaller Department I am with now, but I am hoping that
some day soon it will be replaced with a larger Ladder. It is 29 years old, and has been
a excellent truck, and still looks good for it's age.

So tell me, " Whats In Your Department "

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Todd, Very nice Ladder Truck, I like the Color as well
100' pierce. Truck 49. Proud to derve next to them.
We have four aerials...

Two of our engine companies operate Ferrara quints with 1250 GPM pumps and 75-foot rear-mount aerials.
Our truck company operates a LTI 100-foot tiller with an ALF Metro tractor.
The spare truck company piece is a LTI 100-foot tiller with a Spartan tractor. (ex Atlanta FD Truck 2)

Our former spare truck was a 105-ft rear mount Pierce. It was OK, but with the setbacks we have, it couldn't reach some of the places that the tillers will go. It also required a complete tactical revision for the truckies every time they swapped into the spare piece.
We have a very small district, only 1/2 mile square with 2 schools and the fire house being over 2 stories. Back in 87 we were looking for a new engine and past Chief Trotter talked the board into getting a 55 foot snorkel. it would have been a great piece if we had a greater need for it. We went and looked at Barnaget NJ's unit.

We ended up getting a squrt and to this day Cheif Trotter is still had at me for talking them out of the snorkel.
We have a 1982 Hendrickson 85 ft tower co with a bucket...It is an older truck, but its still in great shape..
LADDER 1 – 2007 Crimson 100 foot Aerial Platform Quint w/2000 gpm pump.
Nice looking Ladder Truck Jacob
Chief, I sure would like to see some pictures of your Ladder Trucks
Thanks..I love the sound of the detroit under it...I've opperated itsome... its nice to opperate
Craig, Don't worry about it, a Snorkel is not a Ladder Truck, and it only serves as a
water pipe
Steve, sounds like a nice truck, do you have any pic's of it
Sarah, I don't have that calender, do you have a picture of it.

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