We had 2 extrication calls this past monday and this past wednesday on both of thse scenes the ems crews keep trying to act like extrications gods. the accident on wednesday we had another fd respond mutual aid with us and we pretty much had the pt out except just finishing up on the dash roll. well the paramedics start running around telling this other dept to go cut the roof of the truck off when there was absolutely no need to. this dept is a county dept and is full of unexperienced guys who just want to do something so they just do wat neone will tell them.. but we got control of the situation before things got out of hnd and people started cutting things they shouldnt of...but neway does neone else have this problem???

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We work and operate very well with the Private Ambulance agency we respond with. They would only have to try to direct my firefighters once and that would be enough for them to realize latter of course that we do the extrication and they haul the patients. Actually we have never really had this problem. We train and interact quite a bit with them.
If EMS arrives on scene first they give a extrication size up if we deside on a different path its our call
You are a BLS First Response agency staffed with EMT's and Paramedics. My question is, are you Basic Life Support Certified or Advanced Life Support certified? Thats the big issue here, whether or not your Paramedics can even operate as ALS providers or just BLS.

EMS Should have the ultimate say in how the PT is extricated, they are the ones trained as medical providers and know how a patients injuries should be handled, BUT...they should go through the proper chain of command and not just run around the scene hollering at whoever will listen to them, thats just wrong. As soon as extrication ops are started there should be a unified command set up with fire, EMS and LE as well, to coordinate all efforts from PT care to traffic control, and the EMS officer should advise the fire officer what needs to be done for the pt as far as moving them and their injuries.

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