I was just wondering what type of Ladder Trucks do you have in your Departments.
Where I came from in New York, we had two ladder trucks. One was a 100 Ft. American
LaFrance Tiller, and the second was a 100 Ft. Mid Mount Seagrave. Just as I was leaving
the department was getting a 100 Ft. Rear mount Platform.
The Department I am with now has a 50 Ft. American LaFrance Squirt.
I will say that it is a much smaller Department I am with now, but I am hoping that
some day soon it will be replaced with a larger Ladder. It is 29 years old, and has been
a excellent truck, and still looks good for it's age.

So tell me, " Whats In Your Department "

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We have a 2003 Smeal 105' ladder with Spartan cab and a 500-hp Detroit engine, Allison auto-transmission, 2000 Waterous pump and a 400 gallon capacity water tank.
Logan, I like the way your truck is set-up, Very Nice
thanks its my favorite in the fleet drives like a cadillac. you can check out our other trucks at hembybridgevfd.com
Hey Logan Thanks I will do that, Stay safe Brother
Do we have anymore Truckies out there that can add to this discussion???? Post your photo's if you have
some. Thanks
"Jay do you have any pictures?????"

Sorry for delay, here is the ALF-currently OOS and due to be sold last I heard.


This is the Hahn and runs as Engine 2 (my baby!) Only current changes is decals, these are the last dept's decal. We plan to repaint it later this year. We are switching to the Chicago scheme black over red. The stick will remain white though.


And this is the truck we are looking at possibly purchasing


we replaced our entire fleet. check it out on www.seagrave.com and look on the menu on the right for st andrews recieves new fleet.
i am jealous.
Thanks. LOL we tried to get the board to let us buy a used one dirt cheap. However all the board members homes are single story so no dice.
Ladder 1 is a 1999 75' E-ONE quint, run as an engine company. In our department, the ladder company arrives at the same time as the engine company, wearing the same boots. 12 man shift, working out of 2 stations.

Engine 7 is a 1996 E-ONE Hush pumper with a 65' telesquirt, presently serving as a reserve unit.
We don't have any towers, neighbors do though. On mutual aid we get a 75' E-One stick and fron the south we get a 2006 Sutphen 85' mid-mount platform. If things get crazy we get a Bronto from the west.

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