I am in the Army with 2.5 years to go. I desire a carrerr in fire fighting and am wondering if anyone can give me some advice on what i can do as far as qualifications go now to help for when i get out. Any help is greatly appreciated guys!

Thanks, Steve

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get your EMT and do what is called CPAT for any job now the EMT will have to be in what ever state you decide to live in and CPAT is good i believe for any state but look in to it . good luck
Hey Steve,

Where do you call home? Different states have different requirements for becoming a Firefighter. Tell us a little more and maybe I can help you out.


first of all,i think it is great that you want a career in firefighting,it is a very good career.what kind,if any, fire service training do you have now,fire fighting is not for everyone but when it gets into your blood,you are hooked for life.all you need to get in the door is high school and a desire to help people
Why not become a army firefighter
Hi Steve, Thanks Brother for Protecting Our Great Country. Welcome to the FirefighterNation. Steve when you pick an area to become a Career Firefighter please keep in mind the FairFax,VA and Alexandria,Va and Arlington,VA and Washington,D.C. are great depts to belong to they pay great same with benefits and just over all they look out for their members especially FAIRFAX,VA You can't go Wrong!!!!!! Hughie The 57 House GO PITTSBURGH STEELERS!!!!!!! GO FOR No. 6!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Hugh, First I would like to say GO EAGLES!!! Sorry I couldn't resist. Well I am currently in Afghanistan and am still trying to get as much info as possible on becoming a Career Firefighter, I am looking at working in Philadelphia or the surrounding area. I have also been trying to look into Federal Firefighting being that I will have 8 years ARMY time invested with the govt.. Well thank you for getting back to me and sorry it took me so long to reply, take care and thank you for all you and your crew does Steve

Believe me, with being in the army and serving this great country of ours you will have NO TROUBLE getting into the fire service. As has been said, get your EMT, and CPAT ( a breeze for you after 8 in)...and finally GET THAT JOB


btw...Semper Fi
I just want to say thank you for your service to our country, and as Jake said, you won't have a problem,
be safe brother.

Semper Paratus
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