Is it unfair to male firefighters for fire departments to give female firefighters special sleeping and bathroom arrangements?

Now that more and more women are entering the fire service, officers are scratching their heads on how to handle new situations that are arising around the firehouse! One fire department decided to give the female firefighters their own room with a locking door and their own bathroom and shower. Another fire department felt that separating male and female firefighters was segregation, so they all sleep in the same room with a curtain for privacy and take turns using the shower. Some male firefighters feel that giving females private rooms and bathrooms is being bias and giving special treatment. I could care less either way, but for those guys use to walking around in their boxers and God forbid naked(we all have that one crazy nudist in our dept), it might pose a problem! Should male and female firefighters be separated in the firehouse?

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Yeah; there will come a day when we are so comfortable with our sexuality that men and women on the same fire department will be showering together and going to the same restroom at the same time.
It's a FIRE STATION; not a college co-ed dormitory.
And even in co-ed dorms, men and women aren't allowed in the showers or restrooms at the same time.
At our Dept all our bunk rooms and shower rooms are already private, I have my own room where at night I can pop in a movie into the portable dvd and watch without disturbing anybody, But is it unfair? ?????? I would say no just keep the sanity of not getting sued, or rediculus lawsuits dropped on everyone, including the dept.
No I don't think it's unfair. I support what John has at his dept for all depts actually. But for the female yes they should have their own berthing and rest/bathroom facilities no question asked
See? All this argument and people wonder why we get sued all the damn time. They're not my sisters, they're not my mothers, they're not my daughters, they're my partners. Everyone serves as a team, a crew, one unit. Seperate the damn bathrooms, or build them with locks. Seperate the showers and changing rooms, or build one with locks. Everyone can take turns. Sleeping quarters- seperate them, or have enough damn respect for each other to act appropriately. Its very, very simple. I gives a damn whether male or female. Its respect due to a member of your team. If we would stop turning this into an "us vs. them" BS game, how much effort could we put forth towards other things? Imagine what would happen if we stopped letting the bean counters and politicians who have never stepped foot inside a damn firehouse seperate us every chance they had? They do things because something goes wrong, and they want to get re-elected, so they make this huge stink and demand things. We react, and in the process, divide into cliques. Instead of realizing its the morons making the group jump, we fight between each other, because its easier, we're that controllable, whatever. KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY! Treat each other with respect, as professionals, accept that firehouse antics will occur but know where the line is, and just go out and do what we know best. Simple enough, right? Okay, I'll step down off my soapbox now.
love the soap box Jason...never step off of it..You make very good well thought out responses...In the words of that great philosopher Rodney King..."Can't we all just get along?"
yeah, but hopefully my firetruck doesn't end up with bullet holes in it this time like it did with ol' Rodney's deal.
YUP that was an exciting time!!! I was still in law enforcement then...and boy did the city "party"!!!!!!
Well we have seperate rooms for all the firefighters,but share a common bathroom and have'nt had any complaints or problems.Did take awhile to not walk around in the boxers though.
Why don't we all just act like respectable human beings in a situation with more than one sex in the station?
I have no problem using the same bathrooms and sleeping in the same bunkrooms as the guys. As long as I can lock the door to the shower, I am good. If you can count on these people to drag you out of a fire, then you should be able to count on them to act in a respectable fashion at the station.

Anyone who cannot sleep in a room full of people of both sexes and be trusted should not be trusted to be in a position of public service.
You getting mad like this, is kinda turning me on....I'm just saying!

I agree with your position, and if everyone was responsible and worked in a station with only a few firefighters, it would work. The problem is that you don't always know who can and cannot be trusted until someone violates that trust, and then it's too late.

Unfortunately, there are some not-so-responsible firefighters, and there are some firehouses with two or three companies and inadequate restroom/shower room facilities. We have seperate shower facilities in every station, so it's not an issue for us.



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