Just wanted to get some honest feed back about how men feel about having women serve as FF. Please be very honest! The reason for this is:
1. I have witnessed society feels women can't do this job- we are to fragile , etc.
2. People think women that work around a bunch of men must be easy or having relations with at least one of the them
3. Sexual harrassment issues arise more often
4. Some men have trouble taking orders from a woman (or vice versa)
These are just a few of the things I have seen or heard about.. Please share y you feel this way

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I'm going to get a tye dye one. this or this, can't decide yet
if a female designed PPE, would it be different? Not disagreeing, just playing devil's advocate.
No problem with it
Just off the top of my head, think about where the suspenders to bunkers and SCBA straps go and then ask yourself...
Naw, don't.
Plus, if they are on a department that still wears black turnout, it is a fashion poo-p00 for ladies to wear that color after the first day of Spring, unless it's a funeral. Though buckskin is not a pastel, most of us can pull it together and get away with it.
Hats are making a comeback, so the helmet is now an accessory that is functional and looks good.
I'm going to get into trouble for this, aren't I?
I resisted joining the fire department for quite a while. My thought was as some have voiced - what if my partner went down? Would I be able to drag him out? But, pound for pound, I'm about as strong as any man. I've been with my fire department about 8 years, but just took FF1 this past summer with the rest of the guys. I trained like the guys, with the guys, and took the same tests as the guys. I am now nationally certified, just like them. Nobody cut me any slack and I would be very offended if someone suggested they should have. The one thing that really makes me angry is the suggestion that testing should be "dumbed down" to allow women on the service. I don't want a firefighter that can't do the job, regardless of gender.
"So, then; we all agree.
As long as women can pass the tests that are created by men, then they can be in the fire service.
As long as they can wear equipment designed by men for men, they can join.
And as long as another rest room doesn't have to be built at the station, no problem."

I don't have a problem with any of the above! *sticks out tongue*
How many of you have actually had to rely on a female FF ? Well were I live if it wasnt for females on the dept. there would have been nobody to fight the fires. There were many times that I put a female on the front of the brush trucks to fight a grass fire . Thats because thats were they wanted to be and if i didnt have faith and trust in them to do the job i would have let them drive. I think there are a bunch of you MALE FF out there that are to insecure or still live in a world of the thought of women should stay at home and tend to the kids. Those days are gone. So If a female wants to be a FF and they CAN do the job, then let them.

HOnestly I never wanted that job because I knew I couldnt take it if my hair got singed so I decided to be an EMT. I knew I was good at it! Now all I can do is answer the damn phone so wear your SCBA no matter what some egg head says. When in doubt dont go without!
the little emt that couldnt
I doubt what I have to say is anything new. First the biggest set back to women in the fire fighting are the women themselves. In some case reveiws that I have read the women come in demanding instant change to the department, and when they don't get them sue. Second the men who say that they are worried about the woman being able to drag them out are usually so fat that it would take two of their male conterparts to drag them out. We have several women on our department all of whom I trust with my life, and they can be as crude if not worse than most of the men...
I personally think women have as much right to be firefighters as men do,,,We have a Lady Fire Chief and she is one of the very best chiefs i have worked under, in nearly 50 years of fighting the red monster,,My hat is off to every female firefighter
To answer your questions in order.
1) Firefighting is primarialy a males job but it is changing and some fokes are slow to the change.
2) People that think that are ignorant and as long as you keep your nose clean then nuthen should be said about it, and if something is said about it take it off the chest and then prove em wrong.
3)I have a female on my dept. and the thought of sexual harrassment never came up. but i have heard of some stupid sexual harrassment charges that could have been talked out befor they hurt someones carrier.
4) Men are used to being the head of everything, head of a household, someone looks to make all the big decisions and then you throw a woman in the mix theres prob ganna be some problems but men do need to understand things change.
All and all the fire profesion is mainly a mans profesion like i said befor but in my view if theres a woman that can do a job better than a man im going to take the woman everytime. So my answer is if a woman wants to do this job then let her do this job.
It doesn't matter whether or there are women in the fire service or not, if men or women either one can pass the training to be a FireFighter then that great, but we all have to remember this, it doesn't matter if the dept is paid are volunteer we are one big family and should act like one. There isn't an "I" in team and that is what we are is a team.
Thats like saying parenting is a mother's profession!

men can parent too the difference is that economics and victorian values which founded this country influenced certrain professions however, nursing, truck driving, police, fire, and many other jobs are now also available to anyone who passes the testing.

I passed the NYPD test twice. I just opted to do other things that didnt make me a moving target or singe my hair. Im not vain (sp?) it just wasnt for me but if my daughter decides it for her, I dont feel she should be subjected to one way thinking, its a man's profession type, some of the best parents I've known were men!

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