I just want everyone know that my OLDER BROTHER just got older!!!!!!!!!
Feb. 11 was his and Burt Reynolds birthday!! Just wanted to wish you a happy birtday buddy!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry its late)

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Happy B-day Matt. You old dog, One day I want to grow up just like you. Just remember I saw this on a shitter wall somewhere or somewhere????? Its not your choice to grow old but it is to grow up, or some gay horse shit like that, maybe I heard it from Jeff.?.?.?. Good times bro. I kick my little buby's ass for being a day late though. Just kiddin thats my Fire Buddy!!! hehehe.
30 is gettin close. WOW
Yeah 30 is gettign close...but so is 50 for Wade...thanks for the B-day wishes...and you all can kiss my big white round redneck behind.
Can't you just feel the love. And just like Burt (my her0) I only take my hat off for one thing.


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