Im working a 24 tomorow and im trying to clean all the grime and early signs of rust out of the diamond plate on one of our engines. any suggestions?

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Try Never Dull. You'll have to apply by hand and rub the tarnish and rust out, then take an old buffer pad and buff it out till she shines like new.
yea i agree with bobby i have seen mothers work miracles
I had some truckers tell me about a Diamond Plate cleaner and polish....The only place they have seen it is at some of the truck stops......Paul
A tube of Semi-Chrome with Jeff's carpet piece idea. TCSS
toliet bowl cleaner we used it before and it worked
Dow tub and ile cleaner the scrubbing bubbles if you want to do it quick, other wise mothers with a lot of elbow grease and towels
We've used simple green and a hard bristle brush.
Greetings Brother, try some of that " CHIEF'S DIAMOND PLATE AND CHROME CLEANER" it works great. All the other methods mentioned are tried and true and work exceptionaly well. But I must admit after using chiefs products I have come to depend on it for that parade looking finish.

Good Luck,
Were can I get it? Parade season is coming soon.
The carpet peices work great!!!! I use them all the time. With the mothers polish. Good luck.
I never gave the carpet thing a thought. GREAT idea, thanks
Yes Chief's Choice works very well. Here is the website ->

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