We all have reasons to be EMS and like.

Some yes, its got nothing to live for.
Some for we have much to live for.
Some for those we lost, or wish was still alive.
Some to be sober. Or to show off.
And sadly yes, some fall off into needing it so much they commit acts that violate the ideals of a hero. Not the only time, such as the fires in California a few years ago, which was set by firefighters, cause they was bored, or needed a high or something?

I know the rush of waking up in the middle of the night, to go save someone can be almost an addiction. Adrenaline, testosterone can be addictive. As well as the respect people give you.
But yes, some fail and violate the public trust.

Why some say why some Soccer fans are not allowed on the continent of Europe cause their team loses and they riot.

Ethics are a bitch, but they exist for a reason.

Old days fire departments was not all that noble, more like protection. You pay for it, and we save you.. I know sad. Why fire/ems/police are paid for be the city and like. To keep them honest and give all citizens protection/service and not just those who have money.

Maybe why the idea of being a volunteer or just the long hours appeals more to people. It can be very noble, to give back to the community, to save people, and more, but yes, it has a price and for some it is wanting to do more, and feed the addiction? But it goes back to why we do it? For the money? Respect? Thrill of it? or what?

Me, I used to do it for something to do, to keep me going when things was bad. Or just to do what I did not get from being a Guard member, or stay sober? Yes, paid the price. Burned out, not as bad as some medics I have known. Gave me an idea of why they wanted to help, but not being able to, cause of old ghosts.. Still like to get back into doing EMS.. The respect is good. Even if others do not give it to you, but for yourself..

Respect from your neighbors? Power? Love? Just cause? The rush? Or even to do things to be better.. I know when I found myself on a scene and I was the only one, I had to make choices and decisions and it was against my normal mousing character.. Better than getting drunk and loose. To stand up and accept the challenge, make changes!?

But also to know when to back down, and stop. Sadly some do not know when to stop.

Serve and Protect? Cause no harm? Ethics?


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Wow, what can I say my friend. I usually do not respond to other FFN posts in any form of negativity but ....

Well first off the title of your post is spelled wrong. Secondly, why would you provide a fire opinion on Why in "the old days" the fire department was not that noble, like protection? What? You have no idea about how previous brothers thought, felt, or did... plus you are a volunteer EMS responder.

Do you honestly think the brothers back then had different reasons for being a firefighter than brothers of today?

Maybe more people choose to be a volunteer, maybe it's the long hours and to give back to the community... What? Do paid guys not work long hours or give back to their community? I'll give you my phone number and you can call my kids and ask them when was the last time they saw daddy?

Fact - there are more volunteer firefighters in the United States than paid or combo, why? Because supply and demand and it is far cheaper. If there were more paid departments, I am pretty sure they wouldn't have a hard time transitioning more V's to P's.

As another person just posted, please read and - "Drop the Heroes Crap"
What exactly is the "old days Fire Departments".
I don't really get this post...kind of left me scratching my head.

I think the "old days" Mike is referring to, is the 1600's(correct me if I am wrong).
Insurance companies formed private fire departments/brigades. They would only respond to and put out fires at homes, businesses, etc., that the company insured. These places would have the insurance company's symbol on them, so the brigades knew which the could and could not respond to.

As I said before, this post didn't really make a whole lot of sence to me.
Were you describing a "subscription" fire department?
You know; where the villagers pay a subscription fee and you go if they call you?
And I noticed that you referred to drunks/drinking more than once.
Was this a problem in your past?
And were your observations of the fire service drawn on someone you knew, because your profile mentions nothing about fire; only EMS.
Just curious.

I commend you for starting a thread. I didn't understand your point on this one though. Maybe you are practicing your writing skills. I suggest you start off small next time, do your research first and check your grammar. All IMHO. TCSS
Sorry all, got to remember to only type when I am fully awake.

How far we have come, to know history and see how far we have come. Subscription Fire Departments. Yes, know the concept, and how it worked and glad things are different today, with inservice response agreements, so that if a fire is beyond a local company, they can depend on help from other fire/ems companies.

Also exploring in response to the firemen who was accused of setting fires so he can appear to be a hero. And why do we join and work as emergency responders. Be it Firemen, Fire Fighters, EMS, Search and Rescue and like agencies.

Still exploring why I once worked as a volunteer ambulance driver/EMT. In part it was to do things for my community, more than my then service in the Army Guards. To do positive things. To have a purpose? To use my cab driving experience? Or just be sober and rise above things, or just to know more about the town I was living in? Respect possible? Job possible, after all I ended up with a job at the local hospital in part to my time in? CNA certificate possible, but it was more cause I needed medical related CEUs and CNA cert was the only one that seemed available, also had done like work before for a family member.

Adrenalin rush, possible, or that was what it became or now days, as I drive my cab at night, I get tired of seeing people who are slowly dying from alcohol abuse, reminds me of my sobriety, or dead friends or just want to help but not sure how?

The person accused of setting fires to appear as a hero, reminds me of the question, why do we do it?

Respect, love, boredem, to serve our fellows? Also to remember those who served and died? Self respect? To do something more than the what we have been doing, or just a place to live.

Or just comradery and the moment and to do things while others do not?

I still have times I wonder how I got across 100+ yards of frozen, snow covered ice and snow, while trying to listen to a radio and know what is going on, where everyone are at, whose is responding, while throwing close on and get to the garage to get the rig fired up, and ready, know where the emergency is at, where the other EMTs and Paramedic is at, how to pick them up, sometimes on the fly,and get to the address..

Wild times but ...

Sorry, did not mean to offend.. Just sad how some feel a need to create things, so they can be heroes?

Sadly Nome where I once lived and drove, had a real problem with alcohol and things that come from abuse of it.

Sorry all, did not mean to offend. And used to enjoy backing up our Fire/Police/Search and Rescue people.. All doing a job, and not always a happy one. Met a Coast Guard Diver at Edwards, in for PTSD due to the old "you can not save them all" but you sure wish you could.

I do know after my time as a driver/EMT that I think I can in a very small way, understand a guy we had who wanted to run on the ambulance service, but was a Vietnam vet and medic.. The drive was there, but the healing had not gone far enough for him..

I say a small prayer everytime a fire truck goes out, and/or ambulance.. Safety! Even for the police (grin).

Gave up drinking 10 years ago, had to. Now days, just dealing with alot of emotions that are coming up, or I stuffed alot of things, or worse, getting on an emotional pity trip, so do not mind me to much..

But if things get to much for you all, remember to look for help! We are not robots.. We feel and there is a point when we need to back up, reevaluate and find help. We are not super men/women, we just aspire to be. The same thing I tell the kids.. I live in a Military town, with a lot of kids deployed, and I worry about the kids.. Fellow soldier, just an old one trying to fade away.

I know from history, to know how far we have come, we got to see how we go here and appreciate the differences..

Glad spring is coming.. Winter was cold and dark.


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