What are the biggest challenges of youre dep.

What have you done to over come the problems.

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Biggest challenge is getting members to show up at ALL calls. To many people saying its just a minor accident and "those" guys can handle it. We've had MVA'S with only 4 of us responding. Ended up needing extrication. Makes it hard to follow procedure and do it in a timely manner. Then a structure fire in the village and we have 14 members there. Pisses me off.
Greetings Jeremy, I belong to a small dept. in w/pa. very rural, but very active. I belive manpower is our biggest problem these days. It's getting increasingly harder to crew a truck now day or night with firefighters. And that goes back to training, we can't get people in f/f1, ff/2 and all the other required training anymore, these guy's and gals have other lives too live as well. We now have a training committee and training officer and I think that is going really well but it also allows for both older and younger members to train together, more often thru in-station training. It also helps when the training officer is trained to fire inst. I and II as well as certified by the state.
Another big help is having the fire chief on the same sheet as the training officer, we list our training in 3mo.blocks post so all can see and even let the members put training requests in a box which the training committee reviews on a monthly basis and if the training is relevent it goes on the next training schedule. As far as overcoming the manpower thing we just keep trying to recruit new members and rely on our jr.firefighters to recruit friends from the high school. So much for manpower and training, Good luck, and stay safe. BB
One of the biggest problem I had on a small department was having a crew to work that call. It was hard only having 7 people on the drepartment. Then only having about four people showing up to calls is hard.
hi everyone i belong to a dept. on the east end of long island NY, we are a seasonal town with around a hundred members and our biggest problem is recruitment, young men and woman that are college age generally go out of town for a few years. we recently started a juniors program but most of them leave for school as well
Recruitment and retention is becoming a problem for volunteer departments of all sizes. I work for a combination paid/volunteer department in Northern Greenville County in SC, and we're faced with the same issues. Check out our web-site at www.gmfd.net to see our staffing. I thank God every day for the volunteers we do have. I wish you guys the very best of luck.
i think that our biggest challenge might be, We look like a big department but we are still a small group. We have about 40 members, 7 are cadets. We also have some nice equipment, most of it we built. A nice new station that is very large and we find new things to do in it every week. So we need to act like we are a big time department? I don't think so!!!
One of the biggest challanges is finding new members
When you figure that little trick out, let us all know. I'm sure there are alot of depts like that, big and small.
dedicated members-- those willing to get all of the initial training, and then continue with that training on a regular basis

I figure I am 7 members short of preferred staffing , I have a few members that will retire shortly due to age and as a bedroom community I need at least 4 more available during the day.
gettin everyone to participatein the PR,Fundraising ,day to day operations everybody wants to fight the fire no one wants to run the business. Just the same people all the time and it gets frustrating as chief.


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