I am tired of seeing the "self-anointed accolades". We are giving people joining the fire service a lofty target to hit.

We are giving people in our communities a reason to resent us when WE refer to the honorable and courageous things that we do. In other words, they don't like US patting ourselves on the back.

People joining want to rise to hero status; some faster than others.

I read the Sunday paper and it sickened me when I came across this AP story from the New York Daily News: http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Caleb+Lacey

Caleb Lacey, 19, a Long Island volunteer firefighter doused an apartment staircase with gasoline and set the building ablaze-killing four-in a "twisted attempt to become a hero", prosecutors charged Saturday.

This has given the term "hero" and "volunteer firefighter" connotations that any right thinking person would not want to be associated with.

Stop selling the idea that we are "heroes" and what we do is "heroic".

We do what we do to HELP others. Period.

Anyone who believes that they will make a heroic effort someday; GET OUT NOW.

There are other "Caleb Laceys" in our fire service just waiting for their chance.

You should know them. You voted them onto your fire departments.

And it has given the news media just another reason to splash FIREFIGHTER CHARGED WITH...as their headline and given the evening news their lead in for the top story of the day.

God; please make it stop.


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well said
Amen, brother. I couldn't agree more. I don't like the term hero... not for us, anyway!
I have to agree Art, it is those that have the high egos, and let the "HERO" crap go to there heads, that give us the bad names. As for the 19 year old I hope he gets the max, and God be with the familys of the ones killed, and give them all the love and comfort in there time of loss. I feel the ones that if any deserve the title " HERO " would be the off duty firefighter whos home is on fire, and as he is handing the last of his 4 children out the window to a crying loveing wife, just in time before the roof comes down on top of him. Or how about the wounded soldier who upon seeing a grenade hit the floor jumps on it to save the rest of his squad. These are the ones I would concider a " HERO " the ones who gave the true 100% there life. Now you may say well they where doing there job, well yes and no to me they went above that. So dose it say that you cant be a " HERO " no for as said we are here the help others and our community. So yes the little girl who after saving her little wet and scared puppy out of an open well shaft, may concider you a hero. Or maybee the mother to the little boy who after witch seemed like a life time doing CPR becouse he fell in the cannal next door starts spitten water and breathing again, you may be conciderd a "HERO". Or how bought the time you stoped to help a lady that just wreacked her car, and gave her medical attention, and a warm place to sit till medical personel could arrive. All these things to the ones receiving the help could and may concider you a "HERO" but most of the time, there will never be a plaque on the wall or a pat on the back, but there should always be a smile on your face for a "JOB" well done and not a frown and a grumble, for there was no clapping or awards for for you to brag about. So to that I say to the ones out there and you know who you are, the ones that puff there chest and walk with a prance, you all need to take a long and hard look in the mirror, not that itll do ya any good. I myself wanted to become a firefighter not to be a "HERO" but to give back to all the ones that helped me out, when I had nothen. To my friends back home some of them firefighters them selves, who helped me when I needed the help. These are the things that drive me to do what I do in the fire service, not to be a "HERO", but to SERVE not take.
99% of you caught the meaning and articulated the essence of what my original post alluded to.
I don't know this for a fact, but I heard somewhere that "hero self-worship" is the second phase of the "whacker syndrome". The third phase is: when given the choice between the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition and Gall's Catalog, you take the Gall's Catalog. With no deference to the women, please substitute Men's Fitness Magazine for SI Swimsuit Edition. Or not.
Back on topic.
I can easily prove my point about firefighters that none of us know having an impact on what we do. Yesterday after I had read the Sunday papers and was sitting down to watch a little basketball, my wife out of the blue turns to me and asks "did you read that article about the firefighter who killed four people because he wanted to be a hero?" I said, "yeah". She said, "doesn't that bother you?" Then, I really turned it on. Normally, she doesn't comment too much, but if she took the time to read it, then there were a couple million others who did also.
Yeah; it bothers me. It bothers me a lot.
Thanks to all for the civil discussion.
Again Art have to agree, I too am still pissed about the the sad loss of inocent lives, for someones HERO MANIA SYNDROME. I feel that if you get to the point of setten fires, just to make a name of your self or to be a quote "HERO" then it it time to QUIT!! For it will only take your life as well as poss your partners, and or who to say othere that are ither in the building, or in the path of the grass fire you just started. Man I hope God will forgive me for saying this but if it where my kids in that building, I would be on trial for murder, for I dont think I could control myself enough to allow him to get to trial. I just dont understand what drives a man or woman to put inocent lives at risk just to get personal plessure, out of being glorified and put up on a petistool. I guess its from being from a small town and dont see a lot of crime of this nature. It still makes be sick to think about, we are here to help and save a life if it be, not take it.
I think what needs to happen is a better screening for firefighters. The fire dept and EMS seem to draw in more 'Whackers" then other professions. Some Depts, and they are represented here on FFN, take anyone with a heart beat. Come on people..we have 14 year olds thinking they are firefighters because they are a Jr in there small town of 200 people. People asking questions on here about putting lights and siren on a damn bike!! When i first got out of the service i worked for a small call dept before moving into the city. Not all, but a few had been there for one reason.....They wanted the "Hero" title. I see them all the time on my side job, the ones who are always dressed in FD shirts, the truck is all decked out in lights and Firefighter stickers, the ones that say" i fight what you fear"," i dance with the devil"! We have depts on here (FFN) that officers are picked at meetings, i even seen one who appointed officers because he put his name on a chalkboard as an officer. Didnt matter to the people there that he was on the dept less then 1 year and has yet to be in a damn fire!! This will happen again, as long as with some depts it only takes showing up at the station on a thursday night and get voted in!!
I agree wholeheartedly Art. We are here to do a job but it seems like some people do it just because they want the glory that occasionally goes with it. These are the people who are going to get us hurt or killed trying to be a hero.

Stay safe all!!!!
The real hero's were on 911. All 343 of them plus all the other individuals that lost their lives as well
i am so sick of the hero crap to me its just a job like being a teacher the pay isnt great but i like it and thats all that matters im no hero well maybe to my son and i will never tell him any diffrent

After reading thru some of your posts ...all I can say is that with experience comes maturity. You say you're a "junior firefighter" and that you don't need training to put out a grass fire...then also as of 3/15 you hadn't EVEN heard of a figure 8 knot. BTW....fig 8's probably most versitile most used knot in the fire service.

As far as WE ARE ALL HEROs and get out of the fire service if we don't think so? C'mon now, if you had read all the posts in that section you could not have come to the conclusion that you so eloquently put out there for all to see. Oh and whats the difference between heros and "real life heros"? Is what you mean that we wear nomex instead of spandex?

Oh and the sentence should read:

Because the fact of the matter...
Cause the fact of the matter ***

Cause is a noun meaning something producing a result or effect.
Because is a conj. meaning for the reason, on account of the fact.
Hey Samuel

Gotta go, we have a rescue call. Hope my "heroes" remember how to tie knots!
i totaly agree we have this in our appt to we all go for the collage kids and its not right we all go for them bc they are supposable awsome fire fighters with or with out training this sickens me to i mean i dont talk alot abt it bc im not that type but cing it all the time and hearing all the noncollage kids talk they got a point

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