Trying to get things started - keep getting pushed back...opinions?

So as soon as I got my Level I alongside my EMT-Basic, I tried getting a job. I applied in my little city, and got the job. Well I was supposed to start in January, which got pushed back to beginning of March, which then got pushed back to this week, and now I get an email saying I have to wait until April 2nd. I quit my job, and haven't worked since December to focus on this. I planned on starting medics this quarter at school, but decided to get run time first as a Basic. So I quit my job AND pushed off my schooling for this FD and they keep pushing everything back. Should I keep pursuing this department, or make my way to another one. They are a nice department but I am getting fed up with this. I have canceled so many things already because I thought I was going to work. Now my family is visiting family I haven't seen in 8 years on the east coast, and I am home alone, because I thought I was working this week...:(

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WOW, thats not good Julie, have they told you why they keep pushing everything back, this department does not sound very respectful if they keep doing this, so if I were you I'd leave them and pursue your next option, but of coarse I dont know the whole story of why they are pushing your start date back. Good luck and keep us informed.

Thanks, TJ
I'm sure there is a good reason for them to push back your hiring date. But twice in two months then another? What is the reason they gave you? Are they hurting on funding? Hiring freeze?

Have you talked to the Chief? or HR? Go ask some one for a firm date. Explain what's happened to your life regarding their changes.

You're right you can't keep hanging on and it does ware on you. Besides it will eat at you and may effect your job performance......wondering what will they do to me next, will I have a job next month, etc. It's already starting off wrong.

It's to bad that you quit your job and missed a family vacation in hopes of starting this new one. Keep your chip up, go ask questions, explain how it's effected your life and don't give up...yet!!!

Good luck, stay safe, train often and share knowledge.
Sounds like budget issues, like most departments face. We are still hiring, but next class isn't until Jan 2010. Check out the comment I left you for more info. Good luck.
I would look at it in 2 different ways, one good things come to those who wait, although this is from a person with no patience what so ever LOL and second if this is a full or part time job then you could always look for another part time dept elsewhere, and work both when the one comes around. Hard decisions. But with a little faith and perserverence I am sure you will make the right decision. Be Safe.

This could clearly be a financial issue as we have pushed back hiring dates before. First though I need to ask a few questions to provide you with direction.

Did you complete the entire hiring process?

PT Test
Doctors Medial Physical Evaluation
Psych Test - If applicable

And the most important one.... Did they provide you with a conditional letter of hire, with conditions or terms that must be met before or during your probationary period? Did the letter have an actual start date listed on the document?

Without the letter, you are essentially on a hiring list, the list can be changed or modified. People get bumped up/down the list at will. If so, you are not currently an employee, therefore management rights can hire anyone who passed the hiring process, meaning #5 could bump 1-4.

I constantly suggest to eager and anxious candidates, that they should not make any life altering changes in their current employment until you have a factual start date in WRITING. If it is put in writing, they are serious about the hiring process, the money is there and it is a binding contract with the candidate.

Without the conditional letter of hire, you will feel as if you are hanging... Go down and meet with the fire chief, or human resources, discuss the issue PROFESSIONALLY and explain that you are attempting to be patient, really want the job but really need to survive financially as well and need a better understanding on how and when the starting process will be hopefully in the near future.

Best of luck

Julie they might have a freeze and wont tell you this but dont give up call and find out whats going on they may tell you why Good luck and i see you are from the point
Thanks so much for all of the responses. Yeah, back in January they told me they had a funding issues. But I know they have the money now, because I talked to one of the police officers AND they just their brand new ambulance. I haven't been able to anything yet. I got a big binder, had to read and fill out all this paperwork, which I did, but I haven't had anything else. The chief told me April 2, next week, and if it gets pushed back one more time, I'm gonna tell him that I'll just go elsewhere. I am so incredibly mad that I had to push off medic classes because I haven't been able to get run time. I haven't gotten any letters or anything. This is also just a paid on call job, but my first month or so will all be me as the 6th person at the station running with the full timers. The reason I have stuck around, is because a lot of places around Dayton, OH are only hiring paramedics. =/ I am trying to be patient, which I have like - no patience. I just don't want to be rude or anything. I need to earn the respect of everyone and don't want to start off on a bad note. I will be the youngest at this department, at only 19, so I want to limit the crap I get from the old timers. Thanks though for all of the ideas. I will take it all into consideration.
Your post was very misleading as I clearly thought you were "hired as a full-timer" I have seen people quit their current jobs before the actual start date of a full-time position but why in the world would you quit your job to "focus" on a paid-on call firefighter position?

You do understand that you only get paid when you run on an actual call.
Oh yeah. It was a waitressing job at a country club. They told me that they wouldn't work around my firehouse hours and we were closed all of January, and they weren't bringing me back until May anyways because we weren't busy enough. I know it is a paid on call position, but like I said, the first month to two months, I will the 6th person at the station so I will working a lot. I do completely understand what you are saying. I should have clarified that. The department told me though, depending on how good I am doing, I could get bumped up to part time.
Julie, I hope you get the job in April. Good luck.

Cody Baker
Jr. Firefighter
Thanks Cody :)

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