IT began about 10 or twelve years a back, after dusk The gate gets closed, securing the parking lot and back yard of my Career firehouse.. inside the fence there are bushes a couple feet apart and "she" was seen slinking in under one spot in the fence and down behind the bushes, looking very much like a fox, but larger. In the back corner a brush heep trimmings and a quiet place, and maybe a field mouse nest to raid, the jingling of the gate being opened was her que every day to go out and make her way around... as she became confident with the routine, she'd even become brazen and decided the hood of the old chiefs station wagon was off the ground and fairly safe as long as "the men" didnt come and take it, loading it full of smelly coats and men.. One sunday evening I took some steak scraps from the meal out and from two cars over tossed a piece of meat over and onto the hood next to her, but she didnt act starved nor did she run, but she was street wise and wary, she caught the scent, but didnt think she should trust "the man"... until I nibbled a piece and then she felt she could trust me.. the very last piece she took from my hand, fully trusting me. yet doing so gently and carefully... I think it was the following week or two , One of the engine drivers who was working nites and mentioned how beautiful she was and show no one would ever get close or tame her, she was too wary of human contact, he was quite surprised when he returned that afternoon shift and asked me who's dog was sitting at my feet...Not even realizing it was "her". She soon began making the rounds checking each member coming and going, but she introduced herself to each one, one by one.. Soon she found her niche or place One time, she followed one of the guys who reported in and found the companies at a building fire 1/2 a block away, it seems Smokey made her way to the second floor/fire floor during overhaul.. and commanded that sector for an hour or so ..she just wanted to be with her guys. I eventually took her home with me, gave up working two seasonal side jobs to be sure she was treated right... after several years with me a friend suggested we attend a fund raiser for one of the local shelters because they had a local "pet physic" who was charging 5 bucks to ask 2 questions too raise money for the shelter... I said sure lets go...and began thinking what and how best to ask without giving anything away.. the day came and I payed ten for my reading and my freinds, and with a grain of salt I asked if Smokey had a name before I'd named her...Knowing WE'd had a few people speak to her in some of the non english languages we have around our neighborhood, to no avail. The Pet Physic lady Takes the dogs snout in her palm, looks into her eyes and says I am seeing she had lots of people "around her", but no one in her life, feeding and caring for her, and given the dog was from an inner city neighborhood at a time when there were packs of strays.. I realized That she was pretty good, but even so, I wasn't convinced... The 2nd question was What is the dogs favorite thing, that we do together? One might expect go to the park, throw balls , sticks frisbees nope... not even "play with the soccer balls.. which is definately #2. The physic again cradles her face looks astonished at me and says I am not sure how to describe it, but placed her hand out, Palm down flat and made a wave motion or as in water bed wave..., (not howdy...)
You see , after collaring her the 1st time and taking her "away" out fo a ride to the park, we went to the seashore and as a cheep date, I skipped some stones in the waves MUCH to her delight, she began chasing the splashes and romping around having a great time!! Since that day, its pretty much something we do everyday in warm weather and occasionally even in winter and after the surface freezes she loves If I skip em on the ice, though she doesn't chase them.. or even ifI skip them on pavement.... silly? yep, The more skips the more excited she gets and ifitgoes in some unexpected manner its all the better... but it delights her.. In the slide show look at her face in the last shot with Cheyenne at the stream... Smokey thinks I am gonna "throw stones at her" and is grinning ear to ear , what could be better your favorite humans, your soul sister and stones .. wooo hoo... I should mention, the soccer ball she has at the moment is number 16, some lost some punctured by freinds a couple just plain wore the skins off , she has about twenty five stuffed animals, tennis balls that squeek... etc etc.. every night after dinner, she will come into the living room, and sit facing me, look up into my eyes andI have to go down "the list" of "desert". I am expected to ask her IF she wants Iams biskits, puperoni, Duck fillet jerky, chicken jerky, Beef jerky etc etc... she will answer when I get to her choice for the night lol