from the volunteers view or paid - your at( home or the station) its 3:30am your pager goes've been toned out to a working structure fire called in by a neighbor..neighbor has not herd from the occupants in three weeks but vehicle is parked in the drive-way..unknown on any further information.. what are you gonna do? step by step from the time you get in the truck to the time you get on scene?

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well even any rookie or explorer would say there is NO way to even attempt a search...strictly defensive...anybody who trys to go in that after a victim is definately going to end up a crispy critter themselves
Damnthing, you never cease to amaze me with your comments. Your the best bro. I want to come be your partner and run with you.
Im sorry J Malcom I have to agree with J Rulli jr. Why risk alot to save a litile. At this point it is a body recovery.
tap a hydrant then run the lines out suppress the grass fires protect rear structure if the vehicle in the drive is approachable force entry into it and roll it out of the way if there is enough pressure set up a moniter and turn all lines in and flood till the fire is knocked down then depending whats left of the structure if its safe to enter do a search/recovery
To answer your question, I would put on my hood...buckle my coat.....put on my airpak, and wait till we stopped. That was step by step from the time I got on the engine till I got on the scene.

AFTER that I would,
Lay out (as always on any house fire)....inch and a half in the front door to put out the first floor, then go up stairs and put out the second floor.
The next in engine can mop up any hot spots/flair ups on the first floor while the first line stays up stairs....and have the trucks open up from the top down. Wet everything down, re-rack the lines, change out my scba bottle, go back to the firehouse...and go back to sleep.
Step by step
1. Get out of bed, throw on clothing, pit stop, out the door, to station or to scene if it is on the way.
2. At scene put on PPE, say a quick prayer for anyone who may have been inside.
3. If FOS, establish command, perform size up...from pic...fully involved structure fire, 2 story residential building, fire extending towards other structures....relay info to dispatch.
4. Request task force response and mutual aid for standby in our quarters. Establish command site, designate staging site. Assign member to evacuate other residences.
5. If hydrant is available use that, otherwise, establish tanker shuttle (mostly used here) determine water source, drop porta-pond, start bringing in water.
6. Request EMS, for our safety.
7. First truck on scene to extinguish grass fires, protect exposures.
8. Second truck on scene to surround and drown. Rotate crews as weather, other conditions necessitate.
9. Continue suppression until fire extinguished.
10. Perform search, overhaul, extinguish any hot spots. Try not to destroy any possible evidence.
11. Call for cause & origin.
12. Call for coroner if needed.
13. Clear scene.
14. Return to station, clean and repack gear and equipment, refill SCBA bottles, refill trucks.
15. Set up CISD if necessary...bodies found inside, especially if very young or very old.

There would be no interior attack, that structure is too involved. Despite our best intentions we cannot always save the day...especially if there are no confirmed occupants. Does make me wonder if the neighbor has not seen anyone for 3 weeks but has seen the vehicle in the yard why hasn't there been a health & welfare check....or just gone over and knocked on the door?
Wake up, gear up, belt up arrive safe!

Stretch a booster line in the front door, SAR both floors.... JUST KIDDING!!

Arrival size up, 360, establish water supply, IC, Safety, initial Engine extinguish grassfire, then protect exposures. First Truck get their stick in the air, 2nd Engine lay in to Truck. Hit it with an aerial master stream then kick back on your hunches and relax till it's time to break out the smaller lines for mop up.

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