Theft in the department. What would you do? Police officers help is also needed.. thanx

I've got something on my mind that I could surre use your help with. I have chosen to hide my department infomration in fears of him figuring out that I'm on here asking questions and looking for anwers.

One of the guys in the department is stealing funds and we foudn out he has some other charges against him. What would you do or who would you go to to report it? I've been with the department for over 10 years and am afraid of loosing my job or getting in the middle of it because the thief is very good friends with the Deputy Chief and Chief. Who would you go and talk to and how woul dyou handle it? Any advice is appreciated. Also could he get locked away if he's found out? I know he's doing something worng but I don't want to be responsible as he's got four kids to feed. Maybe thats why he's doing what hes' doing. He knows allot of folks and is tied in pretty tight with the different departments. Me and the guys are tryhing to figure out the best approach to resolve this problem.

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Are you Union? If so, you could use the services of the IAFF and possibly get an audit done just to see where funds have gone and where they stand now. Just a thought. Other wise, I think I would get together with everyone who knows and call them ALL out. Don't be afraid of losing your job. I'd like to see that in the headlines the next day "Firefighters lose thier jobs for upholding the law and their morals." Hang in there brother. Stick together. Stand in solidarity. If your not Union, you might want to think about it. A lot of resources there.
We are union and he's tied in with the union.. another big problem.
I think that you would be better off just going to him alone and tellin him what you know and how you feel.If you cannot or do not trust him then you should let him know.Asking him to step out of the picture might solve it all.People are in a bad way right now.And understanding he has 4 kids to feed at the same time he has a oblagation to you and the other fire fighters.
Some of us made inuendos and he knows we know. Hes just acting like he will get away with it. Hey we are all in a bad way i've got kids of my own that I have to feed but it dont make it right to steal from the deaprtment either. If he asked us we would help him out as we have others who have had it ruff.
We are workign on it and hes been reported this week and see what happens next. The chiefs know whats going down and maybe they will go down too for not doin anythin about it.
Not easy? BULLSHIT! It sounds more like you're afraid to lose your job; well, if ya did you could keep your head high and proud. GROW SOME BALLS
I hate to make it sound so blunt and over simplified...however, theft is theft and theft is wrong. You don't want to work with this guy, and nobody else should either. I've never locked my locker at the "house" and I hope I never have to.

What to do. Well if he is so connected, does the problem go farther? Are others involved? Anonymous letter to the mayor? Or Letter to Chief that is then blindcopied to the Mayor and every city council member documenting EVERYTHING YOU KNOW.....not what you think you know, or maybe know...but KNOW.
ok So If it is a problem I have always been one to help others in ther time of need.Email me the city and state that you are in I will send a letter to your chief for you and the mayor also.To the fact that it got to me that was thieft in that department.Let them deal with it then.
yeah why dont you let the state know about this rather than the city.I mean he probly wont have friends working for the State fire Investigators you know what i mean
I would assume, this is either Union or FF Association funds. Both of which may I suggest should be audited by an outside CPA annually. (Just use some of the fudraiser money to square up the finances annually) This keeps this treasurer from funding his or her vacations and if you are planning, investing and using your funds wisely.

Therefore, I would request that the Union or Association Vote on paying for an audit immediately.

This will allow many who feel the same as you do, to request and support the action as a GROUP and not single out an individual. If that is done, your hostile work environment may increase.

Once the problem surfaces from the audit, then it can become a law enforcement issue. Otherwise, all of the previous concerns and the lack of trust will fester into something much much bigger.

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