WASHINGTON (AP) -- Vice President Joe Biden says the Obama administration is committed to getting firefighters the equipment, training and additional staffing they need to do their jobs.

Biden spoke Monday at a conference of the International Association of Fire Fighters. The group represents more than 292,000 full-time professional firefighters and paramedics.

The vice president says a lack of firefighters is putting the lives of other firefighters at risk and this will change with the new administration.

Biden told the group that he and his family owe the first responders who saved his two young sons after a car accident in 1972.

His first wife and infant daughter were killed in the accident. Both boys recovered fully.

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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It's great to hear these things from our politicians. I just hope that that it does not become an empty promise. I don't play the career vs volunteer game so I am going to throw this out there and we will see how it turns out. The Vice President made these statements at an IAFF conference. How and was there even a mention of how the new administration is going to help the volunteer service as well?
it is great to hear,but let wait and see if they really go thru with it
Biden is from Delaware and a big supporter of the Delaware Fire Service (which is mostly volunteer) and firefighters in general during his time on the Congressional Fire Caucus.....let's not delve into a career vs. volunteer thing just because he pledged his support at an IAFF Conference.
I agree hearing is one thing seeing is another
I have to agree with Webchief. He did make his comments at an IAFF conference, but that doesn't mean that his promises were only aimed at paid firefighters. I am a volunteer firefighter and part time paid medic, but personally, I don't care where the help goes, as long as it is needed and used effectively. We all put out fires.

But I do also agree with Asst. 29 in hoping that this isn't just ANOTHER empty promise.
i know what you mean lets see how things go for the small towns and rual areas that cant aford to hire every year or grow much becouse of funding
Being a volunteer firefighter from Del, Vice President has always been a great supporter of the fire service. He has always worked hard to help firefighters and it didn't matter where paid or volunteers.
I hope your right But we as ff seem to get lost in all the major issues of the day. I dont care about paid or vollie just give us are just dues!!!
Great to hear. I just hope he keeps his word.
Me too, there are to many times they say onething and do another, Lats hope they keep thier word.
after all the money they are spending i doubt we will get anything after all the money to welfare...i am very hopefull though that they make good on their word
Mr. Vice President, does this include funding for a Length of Service Award Program. This will encourage, young men and women to join the backbone of the fire service, the on call and volunteers. We are 8 out of 10 firefighters accross this great contry.
Does it also include a training facility in the state of Maine.

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