
A decision this week by Newport, New Hampshire police to use a fire truck and pose as firefighters to make an arrest of a suspected violent suspect is getting quite a lot of buzz around the country.

"Police officers dressed as firefighters and using a fire truck entered the building and activated the fire alarm to evacuate residents in a safe manner so as not to bring attention to the pending arrest of Miller," Newport Police Chief David Hoyt said in a news release included in the Union Leader story.

On Thursday, the union representing local firefighters responded with grave concern about the incident, saying firefighters and paramedics depend on the public trusting that when they show up, it's to save lives.

"The use of the firefighter and paramedic image in this way is inappropriate, should not be condoned and is not negotiable," David Lang, president of the Professional Fire Fighters of New Hampshire said during a press conference, according to the Union Leader.

A press release from the union posted on stated "Allowing police officers to impersonate fire fighters potentially makes the difficult job of fire fighters even more dangerous because it casts doubt in the publlic's mind of who's responding to a fire or medical emergency."

Long is asking the Commission of Safety and the state's Attorney General to demand that such actions never take place again.

The Union Leader reported that police officers saw the suspect in his apartment window with a small child in his arms as other building residents evacuated in the fake fire alarm. The suspect opened the door for the 'firefighters' (police) who then took him into custody without further incident. Numerous weapons and related materials were found in a subsequent search of the apartment.


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"Lets stop bashing and start creating solutions."

I think this is the smartest post I have seen on this topic!
Thank you!!

Lets stop bashing and start creating solutions.

Simple solution... AIN"T HAPPENING!
Leclaire of Portsmouth NH FD and Lang of Hampton NH FD are an embarrassment to the profession. Who the heck is Lang to state terms, "this is not negotiable." The man is a loud mouth and has a personal agenda. You can't find an issue in NH that even remotely impacts NH fire departments that he doesn't weigh in on with the media.
If they can't do there job find someone who can dont bring os in to it .
cant wait to get shot at cause some ding head thinks I'm a cop. I'm rural, and going on burn complaints is already bad enough. Whats next? they gonna start responding on our rigs next, because they're bigger and they can run suspects off the road easier, or its easier to sneak into a third story window to take a bad guy down?
thats not a good thing at all if a firefighter or emt impersonated a police officer we'd be arrested right there for it. and there wouldnt be any acceptable excuses for us doing so either. therefor the officers involved should be charged as well they should be no higher in the law than what we are.
I have one more thing to say and that is as follows My Fire Gear is Heavy Enough Now add the weight of a bullet proof vest... Thanks Guys...
I agree, this gives criminals on a potentially dangerous scene to consider us as targets...
this is very, very wrong. police and firefighters, while both being emergency services, are two different people.if i wear a cop uniform and play a police officer, i goto jail for "impersonating an officer of the law." cant firefighters fight this in the same way?
I like jpbs idea ! I always wanted a crown vic
I do not agree with this they should not be posing as fire fighters because this is going to get one of us hurt or killed.

Thats all we need is for us to climb up a ladder to find bubba standing there with a gun waiting for us.
are you that stupid? you obviously dont realize how severe this could be for those of us are here to help

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