Firemen's Banquet . How many of you have them and what do you do at yours?

We just had our yearly Fireman's banquet and once again it was great. We did it a little different this year. We had a ham or roast beef dinner with potatoes, brussel sprouts, etc. The ladies brought the desserts. We first had social hour and this year we had a bunch of memorabilia and things from way back, lots of history displayed for everyone to look at. Then we had our dinner which was prepared by our chief and assistant chiefs all home made. Then after dinner was dessert (yummy). We then had our award presentation which was for officer of the year, junior firefighter of the year, senior firefighter of the year, plus we threw in 2 funny awards. After that my significant other and myself spent months on putting together a slide show with music of past times and current times at the fire house. The slide show was about an hour and everyone seemed to enjoy it.... Next year we would like to do something else. Any ideas?

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we have a pretty similar event with dinner, awards, dedication of our passed members,and so on. the only thing that is really a tradition is that somewhere during the end of the party all of the members of the house gather around in a circle to pay tribute to a fallen member named "buddy" and we sing "you dont have to call me darlin'" by David Allen Coe. Good times good times!!!!
Hi Denise, Our Township that surrounds us does that with all the chiefs and presidents and deputys.Hughie The 57 House
I am trying to get one started at my department.
We have our banquet each year in December. Ours is alot like yours and Alan's Department. We have our Social Hour, Dinner, and awards for the Senior Firefighters... and EMT's There is no reward for Jr. Firefighters because there is only one Jr. in my jurisdiction and that is ME... We in the past put together a video of the Accomplishments and the trainings and we each recieved a gift from the Department.
Simmilar to what we do, the goof award are my favorite. But we do some door prizes and dancing ( man can that be the funniest thing). We also give out something, usually a commerative thing, or something rather inexpensive. One year we did small fleace travel blankets with the company name and patch, and that I think was the best. some ppl. used them as wall banners, seat covers, and what the were intended for. you can never go wrong witha blanket, they can be used all year round.... Picnics, warnth, banners, seat covers, parades, or re-gifting (lol).
Blankets ! That sounds like a good idea. Thanks
I wish you luck doing this Turk. It is so much fun and if you can get the people to participate and help you out it is even more fun.
The best party ever, poker night. You are given any amount in chips you and your planners decide on, the players then attempt to win more chips to bid on donated gifts at the end. So, set an amount, say 200.00 bucks, and set a time limit. 2hrs was great for ours, the players can pick their favorite game, black jack, hold'em, craps, or roulette. At the end of the night you hold the raffle, or the auction, put a minimum bid on the good gifts so the games have some meaning to the players. Kind of gives the feel of playing with real money, without going broke. Great fun and competition,cuz firefighters aren't competitive at all, super good time.
Indoor cart racing was another good one, most have banquette rooms to use for dinner and awards ceremonies. Then its a race to take home the braggin rights trophy, which will be prominently displayed in the winning station house for all to worship.

Have fun,be safe, guys and gals.
Rick Westerman
We have a banquet every year in March or April depending on when we get around to organizing it. This year we will be having it right at our firehouse. Other years we have had it at a restaurant or party house; the firehouse is close to home however and we just decided to spend less money this year.

Prime rib and all the trimmings, or a chicken dish are the choices. Those so inclined bring their beverage of choice. Volunteers (from the ranks of volunteers) will be recruited to stay sober and answer all calls during and after the feast.

We give out service award pins and certificates for active members. I like the 100 and 200 club pin idea, Kim. Last year I also put together a slide show and it was very well received.
We dont have a banquet but we do have a firemensball every new years eve. with dancing and games for every one its firefighter sponserd and all prosceeds go to the fire department
They already do pins but they are for tenure -- they're too cheap to do anything else. They just don't care about us... seriously.
We have a yearly Christmas party, which knid of serves as a banquet. It's kind of a pot luck.

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