Everyone we need to work together and pray for a co-worker of mine from Lima Allen County Paramedics. He is a fellow EMT/Dispathcher. HE got flown to Ohio State University friady night after having a massive stroke. Right now he is fighting for his life and is vent dependent and unresponsive. Jim is a fellow brother of all if us and it is hitting a company pretty bad. It has devastated us all. We all loved him and he is such a great guy to be around and always takes his work to heart. He is a loving husband, father, brother, uncle, cousin friend co-worker,everything you could possible imagine. He helped our comunity out in alot of ways and now we are asking EVERYONE to PLEASE keep him in your prayers. We all need to stick together for a fellow "Brother". So please pray for him and his family this is an urgent prayer request. Please Read and repost where ever so we as a nation of firefighters/emts and dispatchers can work together as a team and pray for Jim... Jimmy my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and God Bless